  • Creatures

    Starting with Treatment Free Bees

    Naively, I thought that starting out with natural beekeeping and treatment-free bees would be quite straightforward. Three years in, with one surviving hive and having lost four already, it turns out that there are many more challenges than I had…

  • Earth Magic

    Merlin Returns

    This talk is about the return of the mercurial power of the language of light. The release of Merlin from the castle that only he could see. Sorry, apparently the birds were very loud in this recording!

  • Land to Mouth

    Raised Veggie Beds

    2nd year raised beds This is our second year with raised beds for the vegetable garden and I couldn’t be happier with them. For us, with our unrelenting clay soil.the raised beds are more productive in their second year than…

  • Earth Magic

    The Pole Star Transmissions

    This introduction provides a brief description of the sky-grid, the earth-grid and how we function as ‘terminals’ between them, uploading and transmitting our memory bank to the grids, that the earth will use as needed.

  • Earth Magic

    Parthenogenesis: Beltane 2022

    This talk is a prelude to the Pole Star Transmissions, describing the celestial events that unfolded leading to the perennial rebirth of our Earth, within Herself at Beltane 2022. The Pole Star Transmissions are transmitted via Polaris, the sky grid…

  • Campfire
    Nature Powers

    Samhain with Will and Skill

    Samhain, midway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice marks the beginning of the period of when the ‘veil between the worlds’ is at its most permeable. The veil is the surface world, what we can perceive with our…

  • Nature Powers

    Shaping Reality

    The Dreaming Power We all shape reality all the time, but mostly in a limited way and without awareness of what we are doing, mostly because we think too much. We shape reality most effectively when we are in the…