Land to Mouth

Winter in Rural Galicia



This is the second part of a video that I found yesterday.  I hardly ever look at YouTube, so it is a surprize when it gets something right.  I put the first part here.

I don’t know where this is filmed, but it could be within 10 minutes of here.  We have been to the matanza, shown here, in which a family slaughters, butchers and preserves its pork meat for the year.  It is a traditional way of life that is made more and more difficult by legal interference.  Rural life would, for the most part, be much easier if self-important busy-bodies in the cities would learn to mind their own business.

It makes me feel sad to see so many of the villages fall to ruin, with just a few hardy old folk left.  It’s not lack of money or imagination that has killed off this way of life.  It is the system that is designed to squeeze the life out of everyone at every opportunity, to support a handful of psychopathic dy-nasties.





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