Nature Powers,  Subtle Energies

Weather Control

It’s been a tough summer. Drought, forest fires, relentless heat and water problems brought our deepest vulnerabilities into focus. The big problem for us all is that we are moving into a period of turbulence in the galactic weather systems and the earth’s magnetic field is weakening, allowing more radiation as is needed for radical upgrades. The problem for the earth is that She is currently unable to control her weather systems because She cannot move water around freely enough to maintain equilibrium in the life support systems for the planet. This isn’t due to geo-engineering, chemtrails or weather weapons, even though they cause harm they are just a sideshow. The damming of the rivers, mining, churches, deforestation, electromagnetic pollution and industrial exploitation are more damaging, but there is a deeper issue.

The key underlying structure holding this civilization in place is the earth grid. The earth grid we are familiar with, the straight lines known as Hartmann, Curry and Benker lines, exists because of the order and control imposed on life and especially our use of metals. This has led to a very efficient use of a certain kind of goal-oriented energy, the type of polarized charge that is conducted by metals and likes to move in straight lines, at the expense of more subtle energies that move in spirals and waves. This is the energy of the iron age – intensified by Mars and the iron in our blood. This era brought us farming, mining, electricity, industry, endless wars and a certain kind of metal based technology, all based on the control of Nature, exploitation of Nature, keeping Nature out, dominion over Nature – separation from Nature and from ourselves, as we are also Nature.

As we begin to experience ourselves as Nature, our perception changes and so does the external reality that we validate and fix. Beyond the bubble, you don’t have to search for the Truth, it finds you. Everything is made of the same fundamental elements, but different things exist because they vibrate at different frequencies and as our awareness expands, we perceive more of the reality that has always been here. This new perception brings the awareness of more problems, and also the ability to resolve them.

The straight lines of the dominant grid are polarized, with a positive or negative charge across the entire line, but they are also super-sensory and conduct energies between us and the earth in certain frequency ranges that we experience as emotions, thoughts and feelings. This is the difference between the electricity we use to power things and Nature’s electrical power; one is sterile and the other is creative and generative. The quality of energy in the polarized grid lines is primitive, you could say reptilian, amplifying predator-prey bonds and the eat or be eaten perspective, as well as animal-like sexual appetites. These qualities are not unnatural in themselves, but they are unnaturally amplified by the polarized grid and not balanced with other more nurturing and blissful energies. The good news is that the energy in the old grid is dissipating – this grid is dissolving and quite rapidly in places.

We created the grid through our driven-ness and materialism, which has been used by the psycho-parasites who do not have that power, but are very good at observing us and deceiving us into using our gifts to their advantage. So we have created it, using our power that is also the power of the earth, without knowing that it is part of an agenda that is harmful to us and Nature. We are noticing the energy of these lines as they dissolve, because this often shows up as a kind of conflict or opposition within ourselves, a resistance to something you really want, things going wrong just as they seemed to be going right. This is because the positive energy attracts the negative along these lines and the clearer you are in your goal orientation, the more opposition you attract. This is the root cause of the frozen right shoulder many of us have experienced of late. However, if you don’t react, remain neutral and just allow the feeling, thought or emotion to move through you – it’s not yours – the charge is released and does not move down the line. This is just some of the work we are doing to interface with the earth energies to create the new grid, which is actually the ancient grid and more like a membrane or web than a grid

Ironically, the poisoned are now helping to dissolve these polarized lines, as they no longer have the will within themselves to hold any intention. The human ability to hold an intention that had been subverted to suit the parasite agenda no longer works with the damage that has been done to people. Obedience to the agenda has no charge, which is why the psycho-parasites need their 5G infrastructure for control. The polarized lines used to be significantly amplified by cathedrals and churches, but many of these have been harmonized and psychic energy is now able to move more freely.

The new earth grid network, helps the earth control her weather systems as it is dynamic and free-form and enables her to move and transform solar and psychic energy as necessary to support life. It is secured from exploitation as it is only generated with child-like curiosity, awe and wonder and Love – it does not carry reptilian frequencies.

Psychic energy is generated by interactions between light and water (supraconductive currents that move without resistance), which are part of the weather systems, as much as the thoughts and feelings we transduce from the energy – we just mostly don’t notice this is happening. The parts of ourselves, deep source connections within our physical bodies that enable us to experience ourselves as part of Nature are now growing – taking root in some and blossoming in others – we all have our seasons. You might notice you need to rest more and we need collagen and cholesterol to support the physical body as it builds new structures. Although it can be hard to sleep, as we feel the charge and heat of the regenerating earth network in our bodies. The two structures within our physical bodies that are currently actively involved in generating the new earth circuits, are the arachnoid membrane and the strange flows.

The arachnoid mater contains the cerebrospinal fluid around the spine and brain, which is in harmonic resonance with the underground mycorrhizal network. The resonance between these two systems is what informs Nature to grow grow what you need in your vicinity. The connecting factor here is water, which is not just a medium for transport or hydration, but a fundamental part of the living machinery of biological life, including the weather systems. You experience the working of this interface in the magic of synchronicity that sends tingles up your spine to your scalp. This is the touch of Spider Mother and the tingles are the biological effect of the electromagnetic charge that happens between you and the earth when you discover something that Nature likes.

Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

The strange flows are psychic energy channels throughout the body, that use energy from the triple warmer, spleen, governing and central meridians, to move charge to where ever it is needed in the body. The strange flows are an older system than the meridians, just as the dragon lines of the earth are older than the polarized grid. There was a time when energy was able to flow freely around the earth, the galaxy and through us, before it settled into channels directed by a certain kind of efficiency and then got blocked there. If you imagine rain falling on a mountain, forming rivulets, which eventually became rivers and then those rivers got concreted in and dammed, so they could not evolve in their own ways. That’s the blocking of the water pattern that affects us and the earth in the same way. Because the strange flows mirror the dragon lines of the earth, the more we become aware of the effects of our own psychic energy, the synchronicities, the more we fire up the circuits that enable the earth to activate her dragon lines – so she can move water around more freely.

Psychic energy affects matter. We don’t see these effects because we have been trained to see reality as fixed and external – what you see is real, what you dream, imagine or intuit is not real. Everything that we can perceive or imagine is real – it’s all real, all made of the same stuff, including us and the difference is only that they resonate at different frequencies. Our biology and our senses operate within a frequency range, but we do not use all the bandwidth available to us.

Thankfully, the groundwork for the old circuits, the dragon lines, still exists. Our ancestors created monuments to align with our sun and other stars at threshold moments, sunrise and sunset at the solstices and equinoxes. Energy moves in waves, spirals and lines and ancient people knew that different shapes generate specific energies, whether on the earth or from the stars. The Great Pyramids of Giza, The Nazca Lines, Angkor Wat, Easter Island are all situated on a straight line connecting each site across the circumference of the earth, at a tilt to the equator. The northern axis point to this circle would be somewhere in British Columbia, Canada and the southern axis point in the Antarctic Ocean. The precision of the locations and structure and the astronomical data encoded into these monuments is unfathomable today.

All ancient sites have specific geometry within themselves that is also encoded in relation to the earth, certain stars and each other, as well as particular relationships with water sources. These generators didn’t stop working because we forgot what they were for. The energy lines from the stars to these monuments help stabilize the tectonic plates of the earth, by providing near-permanent ‘witnessing’ to the energy lines that hold the earth together and within the cosmos. The sacred geometry of these sites is designed to resonate with our own geometric energy blueprint, when we visit them or look at photos or images of them on a map. As we make new pathways between natural places of power, ancient sites and our homes, along which the charged psychic energy of the earth flows – free of old grid system – we regenerate the dragon lines and help stabilize the weather systems.

I’m describing here what I see with my inner vision and have verified as Truth. You’ll discover something and find that versions of it suddenly show up everywhere, almost immediately – shivering synchronicities that cause you to vibrate with awe and wonder. Other synchronicities are more practical, people, things and information all showing up at exactly the right moment, effortlessly. Beyond the construct, it’s all Truth and nothing but the Truth.

At the exact moment I discovered that the Lake of the Serpent, between here and Mata Ray mountain, was fully resonant with Venus – it started to rain. The first rain in months, beautiful soft, life-giving rain for three days. As I was preparing this post, a Little Bear in Bulgaria moved by his own source connection, was exploring an ancient site which happened to be just a few seconds off the exact latitude of our sacred mountain – that’s the Cave of the Mother Goddess at Bezlik Tazh at the top of this post.

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