Nature Powers,  Subtle Energies

Water Domes and Elemental Communication

Water domes are one of the ways that the Earth moves primary water to the surface, where it is accessible to trees and forms veins that replenish wells, aquifers and underground rivers. Water functions as one of Nature’s most important communication systems, enabling memory, information and emotions to be passed between all organic life and the elemental beings. The Earth uses water to regulate her temperature and in the management of all her critical weather systems.

Much of the information available on underground water has focused on how detrimental it can be to have water veins pass under your home, because of the negative emotions carried in the water. This is especially the case when the water veins cross grid lines. Many of us in the subtle energy research community have experienced this and have worked over the past few years in clearing the underground waters and discovering how they interact with other energies.

One very exciting factor is that the water domes clearly interact with the vortices, which are the reborn Nature Powers and seem to prepare the way for them. We have also found that most water domes need either a Medusa or a Plasma Man in order to generate full colour, otherwise known as aether or Life Force. Once the water domes become Life Force generators all the trees and plants benefit and when many are balanced in an area, it has a harmonizing effect on the local weather system.

It is very easy to locate and balance the water domes in and around your home with a neutral pendulum – even if you live in an urban environment. It is quite possible that when we decide to find a water dome, Nature kindly provides one where there was none before. This allows us to balance that water dome, which is of course in resonance with all the other water on the planet and at first gradually and then rapidly, the quality of water begins to improve everywhere and weather systems are stabilized.

How to find and balance water domes

You can dowse for water domes in the traditional way, also, Meg Lund has discovered how to turn a neutral pendulum into an underground water detection tool, by de-neutralizing it in a specific way:

  • write 5/7 (not 5 or 7, but 5 slash 7) on a small piece of paper and stick it to the bottom of the pendulum, the south pole
  • write 11 on another piece and stick it on on side, on the ‘equator’
  • write 12 on another pice and stick it on the opposite side to the 11
  • on a map or floor plan of your area, scan to the East-West by covering with a piece of paper, slowly moving it across the plan while placing attention on the exposed area, and stop when the pendulum starts to spin. Mark the spot. Then scan North-South in the same way, focusing in the area of the marked spot. Once you have the general area, scan until the strongest spin. Mark that spot.
  • you can check whether the dome has full colour a subtle energy dowsing chart, for which you need to remove the numbers from the pendulum. This is only necessary if you want a ‘before and after’ reading
  • next, find the size of the dome and mark it on the map/plan. From the center, scan outwards with the pendulum, until pendulum stops spinning clockwise. Mark spot, repeat in 4 directions, draw ellipse around the centre and then double check boundaries. You should get spin on the inside, no spin on the outside, adjust as necessary.
  • we have found that the plasma man and medusa full colour symbols placed on the centre of the dome on the map/plan balance the dome. If you checked with the dowsing chart and found some colour were missing, after the correction you can check again and see that all colours are now present. You might also find that the dome grows in size after the correction, often overnight.
  • you can also locate a water dome with your wand and neutral pendulum, just by scanning a map and asking and looking for the CW confirmation. However, it is best that you confirm by de-neutralizing your pendulum with the numbers above.

Many dowsers consider that most power spots are also water domes. They also have a gender and are usually masculine. Often they come in a configuration of four at the cardinal points and three will be masculine and one feminine. You can use your wand and pendulum, when it’s back to neutral, to find out. Just put your wand on the dome and ask masculine? A CW rotation will confirm and do the same for the feminine.

It is, of course, difficult to say exactly what the impact of balancing the water domes has had on our garden and the surrounding area.  One of our wells that was dry is now full and we had no extended drought – just an August fry-up -and no forest fires this year.  The local weather has normalized. To me, at the very least, it feels that you can’t go wrong by giving some loving attention to your water domes.

The water domes are alive and dynamic, they respond to eclipses and other significant solar events. Locating them and looking in on them now and then is another way of interacting with the water elementals in your space. There’s so much to discover!

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