Nature Powers,  Regeneration,  Subtle Energies

Tidal Pools and Water Marks

The stillness since the new moon stretched me to the breaking point. It’s not as if we don’t have anything to do; we’ve sanded and re-waxed the floors and nearly finished oiling the outside of the cabin. Dean reconnected the well in the barn and ran a pipe to the garden – it is such a pleasure to have water on tap there and not to have to lug watering cans from the house! Since May, the weather here has normalized and the orchard and the garden are abundant. Not just ours, everyone around here is having a great garden year. We’ve had to do summer pruning for the first time ever, prompted by two huge branches falling off the over-loaded pear tree. Nature has no problem letting go.

The new moon was just into the Crab and I could not drink enough water to quench my thirst. Like Alice, I followed the instruction: drink me, and fell into the timeless zone. I got up at sunrise and went to bed just after sunset. I got things done, but without clock-time or full attention in the moment, memory is something like a Swiss cheese dream.

The second morning after the new moon, I opened the kitchen door to be greeted by a massive spider’s web that went from the roof to the terrace, with a substantial black and white spider dead-centre. She snapped me out of my trance. I know where all our spiders hang out and the corridor between the feminine and masculine aspects of our vortex (the imprint of us on the land here) was a new location, an omen. An omen does not predict the future; it draws your attention to the hidden levels of the present moment, so that in the witnessing you can create a new path. A few minutes later I went to the kitchen to get a bowl of soapy water to de-flea the dogs and a large shadow caught my attention, moving fast across the field. Then another. I went outside and looked up, to see 30 or more storks circling above the house.

The storks use the vortex to take them higher and higher until they catch the thermals that will carry them south on their migration. It happens every year and somehow, we always manage to catch them. It’s an event of heart and mind synchronization that changes the rhythm of life with its beauty and majesty. At a great height, when you can still just about see them, they move into formation and head south until they become black dots and disappear. In the past, I’ve felt sad when they leave – I love to see them fly over our house from their nests in the cedar tree to the fields where they hunt and forage and I worry for their safety on their long journey. This year, I felt no sadness, but more a kind of fullness, feeling into the turning of the year. When I went back into the house, the web and the spider were gone.

Nature punctuates reality with an experiential syntax that simultaneously mirrors multiple levels of existence. The difference between the 30 minutes graced by Spider Grandmother to the desert of the thirsty trance days was unfathomable. It is not just about time. The ‘through the looking glass’ world that is the right way up and in alignment with Nature looks the same as before, but the lushness of the syntropic wave is a much richer experience. Daily life reveals hidden layers that are deeply engaging and lead to new discoveries in a pulsating fractal blossoming. In this dreamscape even problems, like the dog fleas, can lead to something more beautiful. This is, in fact, the way that leads to the disappearance of the dog fleas.

All of life is in constant communication and the stars and planets that imprint us and the Earth can be read like omens. It isn’t necessary to learn about them as a system, as you are already in direct communication with them through the waters in your body. You are water in formation. Water is your memory.

We already know from the work of Masaru Emoto, Luc Montagnier, Bernd Kroeplin and others, that water is imprinted by contact with other life forms, symbols and words, music, thoughts and emotions. The late Prof. Dr. Luc Montagnier conducted a very interesting experiment in which he recorded the signal produced by human DNA and played it to some water. He then diluted that water many times, in a method similar to that used in homeopathy, and recorded the water again. He then sent that digital audio file via email to a lab 1500km away and they played it for an hour to another water sample that contained some basic elements. That water was then tested and found to have reconstituted 98% of the original DNA sample, just water and sound

Of note in the experiment was the need to limit the filming equipment, as the ‘noise’ interfered with the DNA signal. We need to reduce EMF exposure as much as possible, but in working with the water we can boost the signal. There are so many ways to play with water, but the water that you drink must be the best you can find.

DNA is not as unique as you might think. 99.9% of human DNA is the same for all of us. Humans, chimpanzees and pigs are said to share about 98% of our DNA; 90% of our DNA is shared with cats and 84% with dogs. 50% is shared with trees and 70% with slugs, 60% of our DNA is said to be the same as that of a banana. I’m not entirely convinced by the science on this and I’m even less convinced by the hypothesis that this is all because we came from one common ancestor. However, there is no doubt that DNA is like the scaffolding around which all life is arranged in harmonic patterns.

The harmonic scheme of the musical note ‘C’ and a shell.

We’re all made of the same elemental materials here on Earth, but the water that makes up something like 70% of our bodies came from the stars. The Earth is the sacred vessel and the ancient astronauts arrived in water bubbles, just like us. You could say that we are the original aliens, if you want to think of it that way. If you resonate with this notion, you can expand your awareness of yourself, recreate yourself, transcend the imposed limitations of modern culture, purify the waters and regenerate our communities.

The tide has already turned. The crab is a creature of tidal pools, the thriving ecosystems that can be completely washed away in an instant by the incoming tide. Many commentators claim that the same fate is inevitable for our own planetary environment, whether it be from a magnetic pole reversal, climate change extinction, nuclear war, Nibiru…….but we are not all crustaceans. We can ride the waves. As adepts, we can surrender to the ocean knowing that we can reconstitute ourselves, because we have already done it many times over. These processes are known today as reincarnation and teleportation and although conditions on this planet have caused us to forget how to go about it, the water never forgets.

The image at the top of this post is how water expresses ‘wholeness’. It is from a collection of photographs called “Hydroglyphs: the language of water” created by independent water researcher, Veda Austin. She has discovered a simple process that anyone can do without special equipment. Water in a petri dish can receive information from a piece of paper with a word on it, or a thought or emotion, or even respond to a question and reproduce corresponding images when frozen in an ordinary freezer. She has photographed thousands of images over a ten year period. Her website.

I like this question from her.

“Water is showing us what is has experienced throughout its cycles on Earth, or is it really ancient memories from other planets or solar systems? What can it tell us about life after death?”

I would add: what does this tell us about who we are now?

At the new moon, Mercury was in the crown of the Crab, sending a signal that reached me via Spider Grandmother. This signal is transduced in the right lobe of the pineal gland and moves across the corpus callosum into the left-hemisphere of the brain, extending outwards from the left-side of the body, front back and side. There is a corresponding field coming from the vortex. It is measurable, but tidal pool specific and I don’t know how many of us will pick up this specific signal – it is involved in navigating the dreamtime. The signals coming in now are not universal or one size fits all. You have to use discernment and this is part of how new ‘abilities’ are protected from corruption.

Next door to the Crab, Venus and Mars were flanking Regulus in the heart of the Lion and Mercury meets Venus there tomorrow (26th July 2023). Magic comes through those who live from the heart.

“I am the child of Earth and starry heaven.” Orphic gold tablets.


This is a video from seven years ago with actual footage of liquid stars, that I still find mesmerizing.


Next post:  How Does This Tale End?

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