Earth Magic

Summer Solstice Fire of Purification

The Summer Solstice is a still point pregnant with power and opportunity.  Our ancestors knew this and the sacred fires burned from sunrise to sunset, from the Pacific, across the northern lands, through China and back to the ocean.  Their wisdom is locked into our bones and the memory of the waters that make us.

This is the moment to reflect, note what seeds we have sown and uproot those we do not want to bear fruit in our lives., to step forward light and free, into the fruiting part of the year

A simple summer solstice ritual:

  • Make a small fire.
  • Write down what you do not want to take with you into the second part of the year.
  • Give thanks to the Ancestors, the Sun and the Earth.
  • Throw the paper into the fire and watch it burn.
  • Jump over the fire into the free and fruitful summer.

If you cannot light a fire, a candle will do.

The ritual works because all ritual acts wok on the subconscious mind, the One Mind.  Each ritual act, performed with love, informs all of life.


Solstice Blissings to you.



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