Earth Magic

Stone Spirits

I give you stones!

The photo at the top of this post is of an ancient chestnut tree at the area known as Las Médulas, the former gold mine of the Roman Empire.  We visited the site last month and I had expected to be upset by the scale of the destruction, but instead all I saw was magic, Earth magic.

This magical being caught my attention, disgorging stones from his ragged mouth.  At the time, it was just a photo, I forgot about it.  However, his magic was already working.

A week ago it was very hot.  It has been a mild winter and everything has blossomed early.  I decided to start planting out the veggies, although I am very aware that there is always a lot of  ‘cloud-seeding’ activity at the turn of April, that freezes the troposphere and causes crop damaging hail and freezing rain.  I planted out, tomatoes, courgettes and cucumbers and I put stones around them for protection from the cats, who really enjoy the garden facilities and don’t care about the plants.


Well, the weather changed.  We had a slight frost and then heavy rain, but the stone spirits protected  my plants and nothing was damaged.  Of course, you can give this a practical explanation; the stones retain heat and provide shelter.  This is true, but the connection with the stone spirits expands the protection and the warmth, in a way that only Love can do.


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