Nature Powers

Spider Grandmother’s Cosmic Web

Dawn breaks and Spider Grandmother wakes,

She stretches her legs and starts to weave.

Was she in deep hibernation?

Or was it just a blink of an eye?

I noticed her.

To re-member her as the Swan-Maiden, the weaving goddess, Daughter of Heaven.

My notes on Spider Grandmother arranged themselves poetically, so I left them here as a remembrance of the cosmic web.

Spider Grandmother is a characterization of the Supersensible Power that generates the tapestry of life. As humans, we have the unique privilege of getting to rediscover and regenerate the Supersensible Powers, which include the Nature Spirits and the Elemental Beings, at various stages in our own regeneration. We are in one of those stages now, the dawn of the Sixth Root Race, if you go by Helena Blavatsky’s definitions.

The current iteration of humanity is being deleted and this deletion takes place in tandem with the blossoming of the new version that we are generating. I see this shift as similar in scale to the neanderthal cro-magnon reiteration, to use that as an example – it’s huge! This phase of the unfolding is neither universal nor random. It has been gathering pace for decades and the energetic shift that took place just before the New Moon of May 19th 2023 gave everyone access to everything they need to make this transition, but we each need to make a conscious choice to align ourselves with the new energies. Only a minority are aware enough to participate and we each have to do what’s necessary to be at peace with that.

As I write this, in mid-June 2023, the positive changes that we are experiencing since we embodied more Life Force and our multi-dimensional selves, are not yet evident on any large scale. It will become increasingly obvious that something dramatic has changed as we move into the second half of the year. The work on regenerating ourselves and restoring the biosphere is just beginning and it goes hand-in-hand with regenerating the Supersensible Powers because we are both formed and informed by these powers. We don’t see this because centuries of religion, scientism and deception cut us off from the parts of ourselves that real-eyes the nature spirits and elemental beings. They have been relegated to mythology, beliefs and fairytales and even if we know of them, we do not know how to interact with them any more.

We can only access the elemental realm in dreams, visions, meditation, sudden flashes of cognition and imagery – it’s a misty, watery world in which there is no clear distinction between imagination and reality. It is, however, an intellectual effort to comprehend what is being revealed and to find suitable words with which to describe these interactions, without fixing them in stone. If you feel the pull to engage in Elemental Regenesis, the Elemental Beings and Nature Spirits will reach out to you. Spider Grandmother and Mr Luigi were the first Supersensible Powers I encountered.

The Hopi and other tribes of the American Southwest were the last people to real-eyes the creative power of Spider Grandmother. Before that she made an appearance in Ancient Greece as Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, War and Weaving and the Moirai, also known as the Three Fates, or the Goddesses of Destiny and Arachne the weaver who dared to challenge Athena and was turned into a spider. In Finnish folklore, she was Paivatar, Goddess of The Sun, summer and weaving, who wove the golden light of day. In China, she was Chih Nu, the Weaver Girl, the dawn maiden associated with Vega in the constellation of Lyra, and responsible for weaving together or harmonizing the forces of night and day.

In the craft of weaving we mirror the Supersensible Power that weaves the worlds and, because our brains notice patters and similar things, the action of weaving draws our attention to the ways in which the fabric of reality is pulled together. But who weaves anymore? This activity has been taken over by industrial textile manufacturing and our connection with the Nature Powers and our own sense of the interconnectivity of everything is lost.

Then along came a spider…….

We noticed the spider webs on cool misty mornings, that we named Websdays. Then I was wondering whether I needed to do anything to promote this site and a spider dropped down on a silver strand, just inches from my face. I real-eyesed Spider Grandmother there and then and that I didn’t need to do anything, that I was already the weaver and the woven of the cosmic web.

How appropriate that, at the dawn of our new conscious humanity, that the first emissary of the elemental kingdom is the humble and ubiquitous spider.

Pay attention if a spider comes your way, she is showing you that your thoughts and feelings, choices and actions matter.

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