
Solar Eclipse Nile Delta 2430 BC

I’m rewriting this post the day after the Great American Eclipse of April 8th 2024, which formed an ‘x’ over North America with the previous eclipse of 2017 – the centre of the ‘x’ was Makanda, Little Egypt.  Nothing visible happens on an eclipse, unless it’s an entirely orchestrated event by the ‘authorities’.  When the Sun is covered by the moon, the Earth can discern what is happening within the hearts and minds of her children and make the necessary adjustments.  These will be forthcoming. I had been picking up the signal from Egypt for about 10 years, but tuned into its codes in a dream on the Summer Solstice of 2020.  It was a dream-within-a-dream that took me back to the Queen’s Chamber some 4,400 years earlier.  The information confirming that dream showed up the next day, with perfect synchronicity.  In my dream, I remembered the trance work we did in the Queen’s Chamber, to imprint the mind of the Earth with the codes needed to transmit to the clans when the conditions were right.  We knew that the kingdom was diseased and that this disease, a mind virus, would move out of Egypt and to the rest of the world. Alignment of 25th July 2430 BC, as etched into the walls of the Queen’s Chamber, as it is known.
Source: http://www.lexiline.com/lexiline/lexi30a.htm
“On July 25, 2430 B.C. starting at ca. 6 a.m. there was a solar eclipse over the Nile Delta at the Summer Solstice point. Looking north at this time one finds the North Celestial Pole in the tail of Draco. In the East, there is a solar eclipse at sunrise below Chort and Zosma (Duhr) in Leo – this is represented by the importance of the Sphinx (Leo) and by the lion head found inscribed on the megalith in the room just behind the stone slab at the end of the southern shaft from the Queen’s Chamber (see the graphic above). In the West, we find Andromeda and Pegasus. These positions are clearly marked on the stone blocks above and to the left and right of the stone slab at the end of the shaft. They tell us the stellar orientation perfectly.” http://www.lexiline.com/lexiline/lexi30a.htm
The magician-builders of the Great Pyramid had planted a seed-like capsule of consciousness in the stone, that would open on the 21st June 2020, in the ground of a fertile mind, when there was an annular eclipse that occurred with the Summer Solstice, that formed this alignment over the Great Pyramid.
Source: https://grahamhancock.com/harpert2/
The accompanying text to the above graphic says this: “When the eclipsing Moon is directly above the apex of the Great Pyramid (see diagram above) and centred on the pyramid’s centre line, the Sun and Moon:
  • will be perfectly replicated to and aligned with the centres of the floors of the King (Sun) and Queen’s (Moon) chambers, as shown in the interior of the pyramid in the second diagram below
  • will replicate the exact ratio/position of the Sun and Moon
  • will form the Vesica Piscis along a common axis running from the centre line within the King’s  Chamber floor down to the centre line of the Queen’s Chamber (see the red line below). This line will be parallel with the Galactic Equator, as seen above the Great Pyramid at that exact moment in time.”
Pyramids all over the world replicated mountains, where the piezoelectric effect caused by the weight of the mountain, works with their height and geometry to generate life force energy that moves into the surrounding areas.  Pyramid builders used this technology to facilitate the emergence of city-states in etherises inhospitable areas, Egypt being the most prominent. These structures, pyramids and city-states became corrupted and the energies that supported them no longer function. The cycle that was initiated at the Solar Eclipse in the Nile Delta on 25th July 2430 BC completed over Maranda, Little Egypt in North America on the Solar Eclipse of 8th April 2024.  
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