Nature Powers

Shaping Reality

The Dreaming Power

We all shape reality all the time, but mostly in a limited way and without awareness of what we are doing, mostly because we think too much. We shape reality most effectively when we are in the dreaming consciousness, in states of bliss and wonder – because that’s what Nature likes.

The ‘dreaming consciousness’ operates in both sleeping and waking states, it correlates with higher brainwave patterns, such as theta, alpha and gamma and is not accessible in beta, although there is more to it than that. In dreaming consciousness we mould the raw elemental material of reality. There are different types of dreams, of course, some are filing, organising and karmic. Lucid dreaming is just the natural effect of embodiment.

If you ever had what is called a precognitive dream, where you dreamed of an event that subsequently happened, you did not merely see into the future, you generated it.

Dreaming is healing because when you dream you are totally immersed in the lucid dream of Mother Earth and disconnected from any ideas about yourself and the limitations of ordinary consciousness and physicality. Your ‘settings’ are restored to their default. However, if we disregard our dreams and dismiss them as ‘not real’ we prevent ourselves from accessing their healing power. Everyone dreams. Everyone has this power and can strengthen it within themselves, simply by giving it attention. Developing the capacity to observe what shows up in your dreams is incredibly valuable. It doesn’t matter whether you are lucid, as in you know yourself to be dreaming, or not, as the act of observing and remembering your dreams (or parts of them) will naturally increase your lucidity in all state of consciousness.

Higher and intensified galactic and earth frequencies are affecting our consciousness, as well as those of the Great Mother, causing an uptick in healing, clearing and weather related events. Specifically, we are experiencing a blurring of the boundaries between ordinary waking consciousness and the dreaming state. You might have noticed how much easier it is to fall into reverie and day dreaming and how difficult it is to find the energy to do the things you THINK you have to do, but are not enthused about. Conversely, the things you really need to do that are aligned with your true self, just seem to happen naturally.

When we dream of something, we have already created it in the invisible world, it is then just the matter of following the guidance to bring it into materiality. Any thinking is after the fact.

Lights ON in the Dream Temples

The earliest known clinics were the Dream Temples of Imhotep of Egypt and later Asklepios of Greece. People would travel hundreds of miles to visit the temples, where they would be guided through purifications and make various offerings before laying down to sleep for one or more nights. The process was called incubation. Herbs might have been used to induce a beneficial trance state and if they were lucky the seeker would be visited by the ‘god of healing’ in their dreams. The priest-doctors would interpret the dream and records show that many patients were healed through this process.

The ruins of these buildings are to be found in many locations throughout Europe, but the fully-functioning temples remain intact in their original locations, where they have always been, inside your skull.

Healing Body and Mind: Asklepios to Ophiuchus

The ancient Greeks were great storytellers. They invented an entire Pantheon, by personifying the domains of the galaxy and the animating powers of Nature, as well as human traits, virtues and defining conditions. They literally invented the gods and goddesses and then gave them the power to control every aspect of Greek society, with priests and priestesses set up as the intermediaries between these imaginary entities and the ordinary citizen. This structure did a lot to provide stability within the Greek Empire, but at an immense cost to future generations who were consequently blinded to the Nature Powers within themselves.

The story of Asklepios, the Greek ‘god of healing’ is intriguingly prescient, regarding the resolution of the true pandemic of these times. Asklepios was the son of the god Apollo and a mortal woman, Coronis. Apollo was a sun god, with a dual aspect as he could bring fortune or disaster. He personified the purifying powers of the sun, which can also destroy you, as well as healing or bringing plagues, music, poetry and archery.

Coronis, from corona, meaning ‘crown’ was a sovereign woman, but the Greeks and Romans preferred she-wolves, goats and nymphs over human mothers. Feminine power was used to enforce the social order and freedom for women, especially sexual freedom, was curtailed. To imprint this on the subconscious mind of the innocent, Apollo’s twin sister the virgin goddess Artemis, murdered the sovereign Coronis, allegedly because she had sex with another man after being impregnated by Apollo. With a late burst of concern for his progeny, Apollo then ripped the baby Asklepios from his dead mother and sent him to be brought up by the wise centaur Chiron, who schooled him in the healing arts.

The words of the master storyteller fly on the wings of perception and change colour with the light, So Asklepios has his ‘official’ story and the living story, that you uncover for yourself by seeking it out. In the story of record, Zeus killed Aklepios with a thunderbolt because he violated the laws of Nature by using his healing power to bring people back from death. Apollo interceded on behalf of his son and so Zeus duly transmuted Asklepios into the 13th constellation, where he became Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer.

In the living story that unfolds within you as you seek the Source of your own healing, you discover that Asklepios heals himself by reconnecting with the Mother Consciousness within himself. The thunderbolt is the light of your self awareness, electrifying your body and searing away the falsity of death. The image of Ophiuchus holding the Serpent does not portray an eternal battle between evenly matched combatants. It is a depiction of the mature masculine will supporting the feminine life force, the Great Serpent of Wisdom who animates the spirals of our DNA. It shows the male and female polarities in balance withing yourself, as well men and women working in harmony together. Ophiuchus steps away from the ecliptic because he experiences himself as a multi-dimensional being, no longer merely a creature of flesh and blood, which is what we all do in the Dream Temples.

So, why don’t you heal yourself in your dreams? You do, you are always healing, but healing might not happen exactly according to your expectations and you need to follow the guidance of your dreaming self.

Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer

Blood Works

Every night, your brain scans your blood and makes the necessary adjustments to your biochemistry. If you need to take any action in your waking life it will send you pictures of what you need to do. Nightmares and demons are, in many cases, the images your brain creates to inform you of toxins in the blood, much of which is the waste products of parasites. The purification rituals that seekers underwent before entering the Dream Temples of the ancient world, were to eliminate parasites and toxins. The content of their dreams would reveal something about the parasitical infection and the appropriate herbs could then be administered to eradicate the parasites. Asklepios was a skilled shaman and renowned parasite killer. In some interpretations of his story, it is a worm wrapped around his staff, rather than a snake.

Statue of Asklepios, from the Archeological Museum of Athens

Resourcing Ourselves

As we heal and clear ourselves of unhealthy habits and old patterns, we begin to notice different options showing up and synchronicities. We find new and better ways of doing things and more enjoyment and satisfaction in them. Problems are less daunting. There are still problems and we have a lot of things to put right, but it does become easier.

Ultimately, we get to real-eyes that we can resource ourselves with everything we need and that we had that ability all along.

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