Regeneration,  Subtle Energies

Samhain Dawn

Samhain marks endings and beginnings.  Season change, the end  of the old year and the start of winter.  A time to slow down and nourish ourselves, to stoke the fires and hunker down and outwardly Nature sleeps, but Nature never sleeps everywhere all at once – she’s always got something going on and we are all involved.

This year is the dawn of  a completely new era, uncharted territory.  Do  you feel it?

My interpretation of what is going on is that we’ve done it.  The old regime is finished.  The Great Mother is now cleaning house, knowing that enough of her children are safe, perfectly positioned and able to resource ourselvesin alignment with her rules.  Nature rules!

I’m feeling an immense sense of relief.  This past 11 years has been a roller-coaster.  Looking back, we weren’t ready for what we wanted and neither was the rest of the world.  This year, life began to get easier and easier, things falling into place and others just falling away.

Through various methods, insights and confirmations, I’ve seen that the Earth has physically changed. Tens of thousands of still centres have sprung up all over the world in the past week or so and the number continues to grow. We are seeing signs of a vibrant Life Force sprouting from these womb-like still centres and that the Earth is now fully engaged in clearing and healing interferences in her field.  The photo above is of one of our apple trees, sporting mature apples and new blossom in the same season.

So thank you to you all for playing your part.  Thank you to the ancestors for all your sacrifices and gifts.  Here we go on another round!

This is a talk with Justin Gardiner and subtle energy researcher Meg Lund.  It’s one of a series we are recording as Little Bear Sessions, exploring nature centred living in the dreaming of the Earth and magic.  In this talk we share our recent experiences in clearing spells and attachments and what we’ve discovered and continue to learn, about ourselves in the process.

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