Nature Powers

Samhain with Will and Skill

Samhain, midway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice marks the beginning of the period of when the ‘veil between the worlds’ is at its most permeable. The veil is the surface world, what we can perceive with our ordinary senses, which varies from creature to creature. Beneath the veil is the invisible world, the great web of existence beyond our ordinary senses, mostly. As the Sun rides low and fades, before rebirth on the winter solstice, we turn our attention inwards towards our own light and fire. The invisible Sun burns more brightly and this changes things, because reality responds to our attention.

The biological correlate of the veil is the corpus callosum, the thick white mantle of nerve fibres that is the portal between the two hemispheres of the brain. Without it, the total immersion of yourself in the ocean of consciousness would be so saturated, that you would not be able to locate yourself in time and space, nor process experience or communicate. With reduced hours of daylight, evenings bathed in the amber glow of the hearth fire and longer sleeps, the pineal gland produces more melatonin. Melatonin enhances dreaming consciousness and with more flooding your body for longer, the boundary between dreaming and waking consciousness softens and there is more access to the invisible world. Our ancestors lived with less light pollution and much closer to Nature and the cycles of the seasons. They gathered around real fires and would have been aware of how the Earth responded to their altered perception.

The invisible world is home to all beings that exist outside our perceptible frequency range. That includes the eternal aspects of ourselves beyond our physical bodies. Our ancestors and our loved ones who died are still here, as they have always been, just in a different frequency range. They may have embodied again, or not, but they are still here. Unencumbered by the distortions of the modern world, they support all our endeavours that support life. Our ancestors knew this well and that this is the time to reconnect with our most powerful allies. The remnants of this Wisdom can be found in the celebrations of the Day of the Dead, that take place on 1st November in many places. Here in Spain it’s a National Holiday, where people go to the grave yards and lay flowers and eat a meal with their dead relatives, including a special cake called Nun’s Farts.

Our ancestors only ever reach out to us with love and support, no matter what trauma they endured or what hurt we might have caused them. However, there are other entities in the invisible world, demons, egregores and archontic energies that depend on us for their very existence. This is the time to eliminate them, to unplug them from their energy source, which is us.

The Awakening that is now unfolding, is not to what is happening in the external world, or what has been done and is being done to us, or even who is doing it; it is to ourselves, to our power, to what we are capable of creating, correcting and rebalancing.

This is a deeply intimate inside-out process. It works by correcting the dynamic model of the world that you hold in your head, which automatically corrects the correlate of the model in the visible world. This is not a thought process, it occurs naturally through the interaction of your biochemistry with the imaging function and bioluminescence of the pineal gland. There is no functionality that needs to be developed, we already have it and it’s working perfectly; we just need the will and the skill to aim it correctly and satisfy ourselves on the results. .

In the Hindu tradition, this action is known as the Eye of Shiva, which destroys all that it gazes upon when it opens. This final act of the Yuga is the greatest act of Love and compassion between the masculine will and the feminine power that is the force of destruction as well as creation, as they work together in perfect harmony to dissolve all form that does not correspond to Natures’s principles. This has now become reality, because of the men and women who have learned how to work together in natural harmony. The mechanics of this action are within our own biology and we are all participants without doing anything, whether we know of it or not. However, if you have the will to develop the skill, you can participate more consciously and accelerate the process, for yourself and the collective.

For conscious participation, trust the Mother Consciousness that operates via your mitochondrial DNA, to guide you to what is for you to dissolve. (The mitochondrial DNA is the Mother DNA that is able to unlock potentials in your nu-clear DNA. See: Andromeda and the Unbound Beauty of the Mother DNA.) These issues will show up as problems in your life, things that trigger you to rage, but where you cannot get to the perpetrator or cause. This process is now moving into rapid acceleration, confirmed by the X-class solar flare yesterday, and a 4.1 earthquake off the coast of Galicia this morning. As I finished this post, we had a single brilliant lightening strike across the valley, the brightest we’ve ever seen, followed by a ground-shaking thunder clap. Serpent power is back.

The mantle of the Earth is the geological veil (the Milky way is the cosmological veil). They all mirror each other and seismic shifts in consciousness are always marked by movement in the tectonic plates and in the sky. You can expect to see more apparent problems showing up, called in through the ancestral patterns of your nu-clear DNA, which operates as an antenna that reaches beyond time and space. These are your personal invitations to participate in the correction and rebalancing of life on Earth. You have the power to resolve and dissolve them, to return to the lost Power of Innocence.

The personal trigger is also the cosmic trigger to the Eye of Shiva and the destructive power of Medusa, the protector. To activate it, rather than react to the situation that is impossible to resolve on the physical plane, step back and breathe. As soon as you are calm enough, sit down, relax, close your eyes and observe what shows up in your minds eye. It will be a movie from your past and within that a freeze-frame image that you momentarily stop on, maybe with a flash of recognition, that somehow relates to the incident. It doesn’t help to think about it, and it’s not a matter of working with intention – you will be guided and you will find a sense of relief in the moment. I’ve found that confirmation of the hit shows up consistently within three days – you will recognize it, but it might not be what you expected. Pay attention.

The retina of the pineal gland operates as a phase conjugate mirror. It is able to send an image from your memory and its dynamic model of reality, back in time to its source, where it dissolves into nothing. Its light source is the Organic Light of the Earth which is also the bioluminescence of melatonin. It is activated and aimed by your own biochemistry, present in the waters of the cerebrospinal fluid in which the pineal gland floats.

That is the meaning of this paragraph from the Nag Hamadi, On the Origin of the World:

“There is an immortal man of light who has been in existence before you, and who will appear among your modeled forms; he will trample you to scorn, just as potter’s clay is pounded. And you will descend to your mother, the abyss, along with those that belong to you. For at the consummation of your works, the entire defect that has become visible out of the truth will be abolished, and it will cease to be, and will be like what has never been.” Saying this, Pistis revealed her likeness of her greatness in the waters. And so doing, she withdrew up to her light.

Oh, Happy Samhain!

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