Earth Magic,  Nature Powers

Real Time Breakthrough

This is not the post I started to write last week, as something happened.

Actually, a lot has happened, all in alignment with the dreaming mind of the Earth, as it can be no other way. But how does this work on a day-to-day basis? The Earth is a completely open book and shows everyone what she is dreaming all the time, but what we actually see differs according to our location, our personal field of knowledge, our biochemistry and our relationship with time.

What is the moon? What does it indicate? I’m not convinced that the moon is a lump or rock orbiting the Earth that anyone could ever set foot on. I see the moon as the indicator of what the Earth is doing with her water processes, that affects all life on Earth, each in its own way. The moon is associated with our emotional tides, because the imprint of everything that water has ever flowed through, including us, is held in the polarized charge pattern of its structure. We register these patterns as emotions, attach them to what we are experiencing at that moment and then claim those emotions as our own, stopping the flow. The water in our bodies also communicates through resonance with the waters of another, up to the distance of around 1.5M. It is a challenge to work out what is ours and what is not, if you take that approach. The new moon signals the start of a new water cycle; some things will be dissolved, others will float to the surface. What will be washed away?

This new cycle began in the constellation currently viewed as the Scorpion, but it wasn’t always seen that way. The images of the constellations are formed by the connections people make between star clusters and they change with the ages. These linear connections and images are a collaboration between human imagination and the dreaming power of the Earth and she registers them in her mind and adjusts her life support systems accordingly. The Scorpion has also been the Eagle and the Phoenix and will be again, or perhaps something completely new.

Of course, there are wheels within wheels and this cycle began long ago. I hopped on this particular merry-go-round at the mid-April meeting of Neptune and Jupiter in the Fishes, the first time in these deep waters since 1856. Notable events of that year that are still in play were the end of the Crimean War and the beginning of the second Opium War. Jupiter shows where there power for growth and expansion and Neptune dissolves and merges. They met again in the same region on the 22nd November, just before the new moon.

The new moon (24th November 2022 and shown in the image above) was very close to the star Antares flashing red and green, seen as either the head or the heart of the Scorpion, depending on whether you are on the path of the mind or the heart. Some of us see both, in a Russian doll array of shells and cells, armour and shields, the invisible walls of Merlin’s fortress, impenetrable but not indestructible. Three days earlier, Venus fused with Mercury aka Merlin in the left leg of the Serpent Bearer, restoring the severed heart-line of the dream of every mother for her children. A week later, on the 2nd December, Antares joined the Sun, the atomic heart of our Earth-Star system and the blast destroyed Merlin’s castle from within.

We felt the reverberations here. Strange days. Sudden bursts of energy ripping through the silence and stillness, rolling through the dogs and cats, even the birds outside. Several flew into the windows, luckily none were hurt, but that usually only happens in spring with the fledglings. The batteries for our solar system charged beyond the generator capacity and at one point our electricity went on and off, without affecting the circuit breakers. (We are off-grid, so this is very odd.) We all heard a large animal, like a big cat, growling in the centre of the house, but there was nothing to see. Fireworks went off in my brain and I couldn’t focus on anything, even if I had wanted to. I knew I’d have to wait until after the full moon for the turbulence to settle, before I could figure out what was going on.

During this interlude, several friends experienced healing breakthroughs. Other friends, we hadn’t heard from in a long time made contact. The spell that caused many people to see their signs of healing as symptoms of disease has been severely weakened, if not broken. All disease is the result of poisoning, deficiency or trauma and it is the trauma, held in the waters, that dissolves first. Once free of the trauma and conflict, we can see clearly what it is that we need to do in any situation, even though at that point, we don’t know how to do it.

The full moon covered Mars, in the northern most horn of the Bull and Uranus was still holding a reverse polarity, since the lunar eclipse of November 8th. I’ve been seeing how Mars indicates the iron processes, the activities of the military-industrial-machine, while Venus is not only the dream-body of the Earth, but an indicator of what is being transmitted to us, the copper processes. At the physical level, iron rusts in water, another indication of the winding down of the iron processes. But where is the confirmation of this happening?

My brain was switching between two radio stations, another Uranus effect. I remembered a report I read many years ago when I was studying (M.Sc in Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology). It described how different sections of the corpus callosum thickened and activated, moving forward from the brain stem to the prefrontal cortex, through the ages of human development. My forebrain was throbbing, but it was also tuning into the Earth’s signal that felt like a still lake on a moonless night. All around was calm, the animals were content and whatever popped up was easily actioned. The other channel, further back, was like an iron bar in a microwave; arcing red chaos and impossible to focus or process information.

Processing more deeply, I experienced a shift in my relationship with time. Not a shift to a new ‘timeline’, but the real-eyesing that linear time itself was an output from the old radio station. On the new station, time rolls out through each of us in a kind of rolling spiral standing wave, in which every aspect of a related issue falls into place where ever it is in space and time when we focus on it. The act of witnessing, when we can stand to see with an open heart, is congruent with our experience of time. This frequency bandwidth does not support the grandiose ideas that generated the Jovian empires, with its parasitic dy-nasties and bare-arsed old farts.

After the fall of Merlin’s castle, I was surprized to find myself healed from something I hadn’t real-eyesed was damaged. For the first time in decades, I yearned to curl up by the stove with a good book – not for learning, just for pleasure. It felt so good to return to the world of my imagination and find that no time had passed at all, yet a lot has changed and the boundary between my internal and external world has become blurred, almost seamless. Somehow this makes me feel more real.

Which is just as well, because now we have no electricity and are running on the backup generator again. We had to replace much of our solar system and put it in a temporary hut, after the barn fire of December 9th 2020. The system has not been working properly since the relocation and began to fail this summer. The ‘temporary fix’ has run out of time and we need to put things in place in the correct way, whatever that is. We have been trying for six months and we haven’t found anyone to move the inverters and batteries back to the barn and yesterday the whole system failed. This is not something we can fix ourselves, so we have to find a pathway to a new solution that will bring in some assistance. This all has to happen on our new settings. A seamless passage between the inner and outer world distilled to “How do we call in a solar technician?”

We are about to find out.

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