  • Land to Mouth

    Winter in Rural Galicia

        This is the second part of a video that I found yesterday.  I hardly ever look at YouTube, so it is a surprize when it gets something right.  I put the first part here. I don’t know where…

  • Earth Magic,  Nature Powers

    Earth’s Mirror

    Scrying the Mind of the Earth The night sky is the Earth’s mirror. The infinite, eternal, ever-changing, always present reflection of the what is playing out in the mind of the Earth. In our ordinary perception, we see the stars…

  • Rewilding

    Earth Witness

    An Invitation This talk is about witnessing the energy shifts of last week, with the Venus Star of the 22nd October and the partial eclipse of the 25th, leading up to the alchemical transformation that is unlocking when the sun…

  • Rewilding

    Abandoned Galicia

    This is about about an hour north of where we live, but it could be the next village.  Much of rural Spain, as much as 70%, is abandoned and the people have moved to the cities, mostly for jobs and…

  • Earth Magic

    Being Double, Part 2

    Guerrilla warfare   Audio transcript: Guerrilla warfare, involves fast-moving, small-scale actions aiming for the achilles heel of dominant forces – exactly what we are set up for. Our aim is to work with the earth, to help boost Her signal,…

  • Earth Magic

    Being Double, Part 1

    Control of Your Digital Double   Audio transcript: Being double, or more accurately ‘being doubled’, wildly underestimates the number of alters, or identities a child assumes by the time they get to school. It happened to all of us, but…