The Rockefeller Medical Racket
In addition to creating the ‘fossil fuel scam’ and controlling the chemical and agriculture industries, the Rockefeller medical mafia have subverted the practice of medicine since the beginning of the twentieth century. Modern medicine has very little to do with…
Cleavers (Galium aparine)
Galium aparine has many common names including cleavers, clivers, goosegrass, catchweed, stickyweed, robin-run-the-hedge, sticky willy, sticky willow, velcro weed and it is an excellent spring tonic. It grabs your attention and hangs on, quite literally, when you first venture into…
Controlling Oil
My main reason for writing this blog is that I can imagine what the world would be like if more of us were free to follow our instincts and desires. I live that way myself, to the best of my…
St John’s Wort
St John’s Wort, Hypericum perforatum, is one of my favourite healing plants. It grows all over around here, more abundantly each year. The healing plants are like that, the more they are appreciated, the more they grow. St Johns Wort…
Unplug from the Grid
Unplug from the grid and plug into the Planetary Animal Mother We were not designed to live in an ocean of man-made radio frequencies. Mobile phone base stations, power lines, wifi, smart meters and dirty electricity are stealth weapons. Scientists,…
Climate Change Scam
The climate change scam is the plan the global elites are enacting to convince the general population to sacrifice our freedom, culture and lives to save the planet. A conspiracy is a secret plan by a group of people to…
The Off-grid Decision
On hearing that Spain is making it mandatory for all grid customers to have smart meters by 2018, we decided to go off-grid. We made this decision because smart meters are the tip of a very nasty slagheap of lies…
Our Cob House
We bought this place in March 2013. No one had lived here for many years and the old house was falling down, which was just what we wanted. Our plan was to build an eco-house, using local, natural materials and…
Rude Health
Self-healing Rude health is generally taken to mean ‘strong and healthy.’ Rude comes via Old French rude from Latin rudis ‘rough, raw’ and is thought to have denoted ‘rough unpolished stone’. Self-healing is a divine endowment available to all – everyone is…
Chestnut pillars
Today was a big day, putting in one of the main supporting pillars of the house. They are local chestnut and Mateu selected the trees from the wood yard and debarked and sanded them here,then cut them to size with…