  • Earth Magic

    The Heart of Co-creation

    Intent and co-creation “A future event causes a photon to decide its past.” Professor Andrew Truscott In my previous post, Magnetic Intent, I described the experience of being anchored into the iron jet stream of the earth via the concentration…

  • Earth Magic,  Nature Powers

    Magnetic Intent

    Intent is magnetic For a few years now, I’ve been holding to the intention of living the dream of this land and following through on the guidance I’m receiving. Sometimes it feels like trying to apply mascara while riding a…

  • Healing plants,  Land to Mouth

    Wild Juicing

    Foraging for weeds Whatever the weather, our day starts with walking the dogs and (sometimes with cats in tow) and sometimes foraging for weeds. We are lucky to live in an area where there is no intensive farming, no crop…

  • Organic health

    Iodine Kills Cancer Fungus

    This is an update on Dean’s success regarding the elimination of a persistent fungal sore, of the type that has been named basal cell carcinoma, as in skin cancer, by medical experts, but is really just a fungus. Fungus helps…

  • Organic health

    Living Water in the New Real

    The Body as a Solar-Powered Water Battery In the new real, water is not just for hydration; it is a solar powered battery, that fuels many cellular functions, drives circulation and supports the heart. Remember the alchemical image of The…

  • Nature Powers

    Lucid Dreaming with Gaia

    I’m a lucid dreamer and have been for most of my life. I used to have terrible nightmares, as a child. Eventually, I learned how to wake myself up out of the nightmare and then I thought: if I could…

  • Nature Powers

    The Warrior Priestess

    The Role of the Warrior Priestess This post spews out of my repugnance at the vile creatures of the totally misguided women’s protest movement, but what could I say that hasn’t already been said? Instead, I’m going to push that…

  • Oneirics,  Organic health

    Never Defeated

    Fake viruses I spent a lot of time last year considering viruses, the herpes virus in particular. This was mostly because of Dean’s basal cell carcinoma and when some one came to visit with psoriasis, I recognised that this was…

  • Earth Magic

    Transmutation and Energy

    This is the first in what will most likely become a series of posts tracking our transmutation in real-time.   Transmutation is selective and optional; you choose to participate and act accordingly, but, even so, not everyone will be successful.  This…