Broccoli Medicine
Growing broccoli Broccoli is one of our garden successes. I sowed seeds of several different types, purple sprouting, green sprouting and the large headed variety – the purple sprouting is the most prolific and easy going by far. It’s been…
Waste Water Reed Bed
Convenience or freedom? As off-gridders we have to deal with our own shit, quite literally, as well as waste and grey water. There are many systems out there, but every system I researched seemed overly complicated, labour intensive and expensive.…
The Bearings
Bearing: 1. the manner in which one conducts or carries oneself, including posture and gestures: a person of dignified bearing. 2. the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth. 3. something that is produced; a crop. 4. the act of enduring or the capacity to endure. 5. reference or relation (usu. fol. by on): It has no bearing on the problem. 6.a. a supporting part of a structure. b. the area of contact between a bearing member, as a beam, and a pier, wall, or other underlying support. 7. the support and guide for a rotating, oscillating, or sliding shaft, pivot, or wheel. 8. Often, bearings. direction: The pilot radioed the plane’s bearings. 9. a horizontal direction expressed in degrees east or west of a true or magnetic north or south direction. 10. a device on a heraldic field. Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. Alchemy and…
Melissa: Queen of the Bee Haven
It’s just before Imbolc and in the garden, Melissa is thrusting her crinkled, heart-shaped leaves through the cold wet clay with wild abandon. I picked some leaves and made a strong infusion and let it cool, so I can sip…
Itching for a Fright
Tulku loves a good scratch. He´s not what I’d call an itchy dog, his coat is glossy and he is healthy, happy, calm and strong. He’s never been to the vets. So, when around the full moon in the Serpent…
Freya’s Sulphuric Necklace
In another post, Yellow Dock: Badger Medicine for a New Story I recounted how our dog Freya got a new tale and became my teacher. So, the other day, when she began digging again, relentlessly, all over the newly grassed…
The Alchemical Pumpkin
In the dark of the new moon before Samhain, four of us initiated the Game of Subtle Alchemy. In that game we play with desires, polarities and the alchemical principles, to reveal our Supernatural abilities. My game plan for this…
First Six Years of the Garden
Year One in the Garden We moved here in May 2013, into the cabin we built, and in the winter of 2014 we cleared about an acre of straggly pines, from a gentle south facing slope to the west of…
Killing Time with the Quantum Pixies
Once upon a time used to go on forever, until the gods created time. In a sense, they co-created time with humans, as time needs to be witnessed into existence. Time could well be the greatest discovery of this kalpa.…
Dreamcatcher Tomatoes
We finally got to put up the trellis for the tomatoes. We’ve wanted to get them closer to the house for a long time, but first we had to build the house and clear the rubble. That’s taken a few…