  • Nature Powers

    The Hermetic Wild Child

    On July 13th 2021, Venus and Mars made love in Sekhmet’s lair and conceived the hermetic wild child in the solar winds.* As I real-eyes this new archetype within myself, he/she/me becomes more stable and begins to show up in…

  • Earth Magic

    Iron Will: Biomagnetic Entrainment

    Biomagnetic Entrainment to the Electromagnetic Field of the Earth All creatures that move around are physiologically designed to entrain to the electromagnetic field of the earth. The biological element that makes this possible is biogenic magnetite. Magnetite is a mineral…

  • en français

    Hécate, Reine des Seuils

    Traduit par ST de Géobiotantra, en complétion du cycle de Kali Ma 2021, Provence Hécate Trivia, déesse-sorcière-reine, est le pouvoir d’animation des seuils, des portes, des frontières et des portails et de l’entre-deux liminal, ni ici ni là, l’état hypnagogique.…

  • Nature Powers

    Hekate: Queen of Thresholds

    Hekate Trivia, Goddess-Witch-Queen, is the animating power of thresholds, doorways, boundaries and portals and the liminal in-betweens, neither here nor there, the hypnagogic state. Third eye blindness prevents us from perceiving the energetic significance of these edges and borderlands, but…

  • Nature Powers

    Finding Mr Luigi

    Mr Luigi has a very long arm. He can reach into your mind and make a bowl of spaghetti, without you knowing he was there, even though he’s not Italian. I first got wind of him in what I would…

  • Earth Magic

    Third Eye Poker

    Is destiny a gift, or a curse? That depends on how well and with whom you play. Now, more than ever, the quality of your life depends on the skills and mental fortitude you develop in order to make the…