Oneirics,  Organic health

New Moon Dream Healing

Life has been quiet here since the last full moon on the 27th November, 2023. We’ve been dealing with what comes up and doing what needs to be done, no more and no less.

A few days after the full moon, just into December, the Dutch Little Bear harmonized the entire European power grid, throughout Europe and Russia. I noticed the surge and release, despite the fact that we are not on the power grid, as I had felt what I call interference, when I tried to reach out to other people. However, our internet connection then stopped working.

We are finding that as we clear attachments, spells and various levels of interference in ourselves and our environments, that there are things stuck in the artificial matrix system that we actually want to bring with us into the new Earth – for us this is mostly the external technology that makes this transition period more comfortable. We are using plasma man stickers on all our fuse boxes, inverters, batteries etc., but something was still not synched in. Eventually, I found that there was no plasma man on the satellite transformer and when I put one on the modem connected again, but not when I wanted to connect with any little bears. I was out of sync!

Earlier this year, I’d taken to wearing a gold chain around my left wrist, as a reminder to keep to the golden path. I’d forgotten to put it on and I was out of sync with my own golden cobra medicine – the alchemical gold frequency. As soon as I put it back, the internet connections synched up and another level of communication opened up between the animals and the celestial beings.

The first storks of winter returned on the 11th December and the magic began to flow again.

The stars and celestial beings have always been a source of inspiration to humans; they are our kin. The stories that unfold through the energies and imagery of the constellations are eternal and dynamic, evolving with us and through us. From within this con-stellar-i-am, our brains recognize a pattern of significant events that radiate in waves beyond time, generating a personal narrative map we navigate through imagination and feeling. This is not astrology, but an insight into the celestial circuitry in which we are the nodal points, within the protective sheath of the Earth. I’m looking at the real sky, not the zodiac and noticing what grabs me; it’s a way of making magic.

The new moon on the 12th December, is between the knees of the Serpent Bearer – the Dream Healer, with the Sun at his right knee and Mars at the left. It is also in the left shoulder of the Scorpion, an interesting juxtaposition with Betelgeuse at that moment – more on that below.


Every year, between the 30th November and around the 18th December, our Sun passes the constellation of Ophiuchus, causing an energy exchange between the Sun and the stars in Ophiuchus and Serpens. This energy exchange has been going on forever, it’s just our interpretations and stories that change. This energy was noted by people in other eras, when it was easier because of less technological interference, and gave rise to the stories about Ophiuchus, Asklepios and the Serpents. The common themes to all the stories are the mature masculine figure, the feminine serpent representing kundalini and life force, healing, regeneration, transformation and dreaming – because those are the energies that emanate from this constellation. We are rejuvenated by these energies, as is our own star, as we move into the darkest days of the year.

Ophiuchus stands with his feet on the ecliptic, between the Scorpion and the Archer, with his body and the Serpent towering above. He is supporting the Serpent, with all his strength, courage, intellect and love, as she wraps her life force around him and they make an energy circuit. The ‘13th constellation’ debate misses the point; the self-mastery of the masculine principle within us all, men and women, is the key to regeneration, which leads to rising above the programmes and systems of the artificial construct – it’s not about fitting in at all. As we move towards the Winter Solstice on 22nd December, I’m finding that these energies are mirroring our completion of the Rebirth of the Green Man, that began with the Grand Conjunction of the Winter Solstice 2020.

Over this three year period, we have recalibrated the predatory wiring within ourselves and the celestial circuits. This was operating through the left-hemisphere and right arm grasping-hunting dominance, caused by blockages and attachments in the corpus callosum. The predatory circuit has been superseded by a ‘heart circuit’ in which the arms, with their yin/yang polarities operate on the principles of giving and receiving. We’re all experiencing this, one way or another; you might find that your ‘go get ‘em’ drive has got up an left, or that things you try to do with fixed intentions, go wrong. Conversely, a more gentle approach along the lines of picking up a signal, an idea, feeling into it (resonance) and allowing it to show up, in whatever form in physical reality, is working really well.

The constellation that emanates the most predatory energy is of course Orion, the hunter. In the old stories, Orion was a giant hunter, intent on killing all the wild animals on Earth. Gaia (or Artemis in some versions) saved the animals by calling on a scorpion to kill Orion. Initially the mighty hunter was not afraid of this insignificant creature. However, Orion could not kill the scorpion with his club and arrows and when finally he turned to run from him, the scorpion struck and killed him. To honour the scorpion we placed it in the sky opposite Orion. Orion is allowed to hunt freely during the winter, but as summer approaches the scorpion arises and chases the hunter away.

Any significant change in the human operating system is always mirrored in the celestial circuitry. In this instance, Betelgeuse the brightest star in the Orion constellation, in the right shoulder of the hunter, was briefly eclipsed by an asteroid named Leona, on the 12th December – a reset on the hunting instinct to bring it back into alignment with Nature. Hunting for food, not sport or mindless destruction. A normalisation of the sacred predator-prey relationship. Mercury then goes retrograde the day after the new moon, on the 13th December. This allows us space to rest up, consolidate and reconfigure ourselves in the new settings, before he comes back on the 1st January when the solar power begins to ramp up again and Jupiter stations direct.

The hunting circuits in the human body used a lot of energy, even for ‘non-hunters’; the requirement for constant ‘doing’, goal orientation, all that energy is now being released back into the body. This energy is now available for healing and problem solving, creativity and pleasure. There can be some pain – generally, in this phase, the more intense the pain, the more rapid the healing.

I’m noticing that people are dreaming again and releasing trauma held in the body in their dreams. For several years the dreaming space has been virtually empty, many people were not dreaming. It wasn’t that they were not remembering their dreams, many people just weren’t dreaming. My own dreaming changed during this period too, less dreaming but somehow more significant.

Over the past three nights, the dreamworld has become very active and crowded. At the moment, many people are processing past intense experiences in their dreams. They are not lucid, as in aware that they are dreaming, but this doesn’t matter – it’s amazing. It looks really chaotic, sometimes a bit disturbing, but we are releasing attachments stuck in the body from experiences and information we could not process, that cause pain, low-level emotions, disease etc. Everyone is doing their own dream healing. Some are already moving into the next stage which is over-writing the experience with how they want it to be, which starts to happen naturally as the trauma frequencies are transmuted. These over-writes will start to show in waking reality soon.

We are all dream healers.

Next post: Rebirth of the Sun, Winter Solstice  2023

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