
Nature’s World Order

Nature Centred Living

Nature centred living in Nature’s World Order – the original world order, continuously regenerating, unlimited and abundant. That’s the theme of this blog: living ever more deeply into Nature’s World Order.

We are centred in Nature and nature is centred in us. We live in the idyllic rural paradise of Galicia, in the north west corner of Spain, where we are free to follow our intuition and live as spontaneously as possible, with the cycle of the seasons, in awe, wonder and magic. We experience many synchronicities and are learning how we shape reality, according to Nature’s principles.  We are Nature, we all are and always have been.

Unplugging from the artificial construct was easy, purging its programmes and patterns took a bit longer -10 years in linear time for us, so far. Life in the artificial construct of society is set up to feed the economy rather than support life, so everyone has to exploit everyone and everything else to some extent in order to survive. Reality within Nature’s World Order is not like that at all and much of what I’m describing here is just confirming what you already know and are now beginning to see more clearly.

Below is a brief overview of the topics that have proven themselves to be most important to us and that I cover in more detail elsewhere on this site.


Tuning into Nature’s World Order is to wake up in the dream, to experience waking lucidity. Nature’s World Order is not just about where you live, but how you live and your state of consciousness. In the dreaming state, whether awake or sleeping we are able to interact with the operational layers of reality that exist beyond time and space.

What is commonly called a precognitive dream is not ‘seeing in to the future’. It is the act of charging the filaments of biophotons in such a way as to cause an event to materialize, and getting to see the result. The materialization happens much more commonly than you might think, it is only our perception that needs adjustment.  Everything we imagine lands on the mirror of the Earth’s mind, to pop up in ordinary reality in one place or another.

Dreaming and day-dreaming engage our imagination and creativity and are absolutely essential for nature centred living. We have to imagine a better more natural way of life first, without dependency on slave-systems and then we guide ourselves to it.


Our optimum state of health and awareness is bliss, but unlike our ancestors, we have to make a conscious effort to generate the conditions for the ‘bliss state,’ and yet not get obsessed by it.  It just happens.

In bliss we resonate with the natural baseline frequencies of the Earth, the Schumann Resonances, and our brainwaves synchronize with heart coherence. In bliss we experience joy and contentment, but it’s not just a giddy emotional high. It is also the awareness of being merged with something greater than ourselves, because in this state we are entrained with the Mother Consciousness of the Earth. There’s nothing religious about it.

Our infinitely creative Earth Mother powers up the bliss state so that we can ‘real-eyes’ novelty into ordinary consciousness. The blissful daydreaming in which I saw myself living somewhere surrounded by trees and away from people, aligned me with this specific place in the mind of the Earth and she produced all the prompts to match us up. The hook-up happens instantly in the invisible world, but it might take some effort before the results show up in the physical world. In this case we had to commit and take action. We had to cut ourselves out of the comfort zone, sell our house and relocate to the area, find an estate agent and tell him what we wanted. This was the first property we viewed and it is perfect.

This is not a process. It is just cause and effect. Blissful day-dreaming, meditation or lucid dreaming provide the fertile ground for the seeds of new ideas registered in the Mother Consciousness to land and germinate. You don’t even need to originate the idea yourself, but the conditions of bliss and Nature’s own negentropic drive, ensures that you will love it as your own. This method of ‘reality generation’ is an integral function of Nature’s World Order, freely available to everyone. Nature is fractal and patterns that work well, show up again and again -it’s one of the ways she shares good ideas.


Too much to do? No time to ‘bliss-out.’ There is no time in Nature’s World Order. There is movement and rhythm, seasons and cycles in which events or objects come together with exquisite timing. You can still use a clock if you want to. You can schedule meetings, set alarms or use it as an ornament, but in Nature’s World Order you cannot make yourself a slave to something that does not exist and cannot be generated in bliss. Instead of time, you have spontaneity, synchronicity and a lot more surprizes.

The reality and desiccation of aging is a consequence of us enslaving our biology to the concept of time – a fixation on the particle (matter) and ignoring the wave.

It is now becoming clear that, as we plug into the Earth our experience of linear time dissolves and we begin to rewrite the past.


First we learned about water: how to purify it and structure it for drinking. How to protect our home from it with water-proofing and drainage. We learned something about how to move it to where we need it, with swales, wells and pumps.

Then we learned from the water, how it has intelligence as well as memory. It can communicate with water from different sources and with us and between us directly, via the water in our bodies.

Finally, we are beginning to learn with the water. How are we involved in the water generation cycle: metabolic water, primary water, atmospheric water, rain to the great river of the Milky Way? How do we communicate with the water? Relearning the lost skills of our ancestors.

Balancing the water domes around here has significantly helped with the water cycles and rain.


We started a garden as soon as we moved here, mostly because I don’t trust commercially grown food that is poisoned with glyphosate and grown in mineral depleted soils, amended with chemical fertilizers from far away. Organic food is better, but still grown, prepared and packaged for profit; it is less poisonous, but lacking in the structured water, biophotons, microbes and information that you get from home-grown or foraged.

It might be normal to eat food that has travelled half-way across the world to get to your plate, but is it natural? Is it nourishing? Is it satisfying? Does it give you the healing wisdom of the land?

There is so much more to ‘food’ than just calories. We grow most of our own vegetables and we eat meat that has been raised or hunted by our neighbours. We find that we eat less. We eat what we have, rather than browsing miles of super-market shelves, and are far more satisfied.


Sometimes I feel that there are too many people and not enough trees. Trees do so much to support life on earth; they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, help regulate the temperature, prevent soil erosion and are a vital part of the rainfall generation cycle. They are the original elders and custodians of this planet, family.

In 2000 31% of Galicia was native forest and over the past 20 years, 28% of its trees have been cut down, for no good reason that I know of. Desertification and extreme weather events are a consequence of deforestation and rarely ‘accidental.’

Last year, we had to cut down a few acres of pine that had been planted by the previous owners and had become dangerous, as they were too close to the cabin. We have replanted native woodland and are now working to keep the young trees watered through the hot summer and the brambles at bay. It’s one of the most satisfying projects we’ve ever done. See: Regenerating Ravenwood.


We have dogs and cats as companions, a rooster and chickens for eggs. We learn so much from our animals and they are a big part of our life that I don’t cover much on this site – which is more about my inability to represent them in their true light, than anything else.

There is a lot of wild-life around here. The storks fly over our house several times a day between December and late summer and I always feel a hint of sadness when they migrate south for winter, knowing that some will not make it back. Boars are here all year round, as are foxes and a wolf took two of the neighbour’s sheep a week or so ago.

Every now and then we have exeptional encounters with other animals and I remember how as a kid I used to get really angry with the ‘animal experts’ gloating over how they’d managed to teach a chimpanzee to communicate in sign language. Surely, real intelligence would be to learn the language of the animals, rather than to impose ours on them?

And then there’s microbes, another world inside and all around us, performing many essential functions that make life possible.

Self-healing and plant medicine

We are all innately self-healing and the further you get into your detoxification and purification – physically, mentally and energetically – the more obvious that becomes. Humanity has a lot of healing to do, but through that we will real-eyes that, just like Nature, we are always regenerating. Future generations will not have to go through this process because of the work we are doing now and, at some point, healing plants will become part of the natural, seasonal diet.

I found that I was easily able to recognize the healing plants around here, what they offer and how to work with them, even though I have not studied herbalism. This has led me to consider the possibility that we all have the natural pharmacopoeia of our homelands already installed, just waiting to be activated when the need arrives in the right location.

The Luminaries

The Luminaries, the stars and planets, are conscious beings, the celestial family of our Earth and involved in the generation of our reality. I was surprized to discover this. I’ve always shied away from tropical astrology and magazine-style horoscopes, but suddenly I found that I was receiving insights from the luminaries that were significant and verifiable. They were too profound to ignore.

After a few years, I came to real-eyes that the planets are indicators of what is unfolding in the mind of the Earth.  Are they a projection She has provided for us?  Yes, that’s how I look at it.

Alchemy and Magic

Alchemy is Nature’s process of transformation; her drive towards ever-more perfected form.

Magic is a word that encompasses the awe and wonder involved in perceiving the higher orders of Nature at work, within us and beyond us.

Our location and life-style has allowed us to engage in alchemy and magic. These are the subjects I like to talk about most, but not with strangers. Of course, I will never get to meet most of the people who come to this site but if you are reading this, you are one of the Little Bear Clan.  You would not be here otherwise.

Nature is magical and Nature is in charge!