Nature Powers
When I’m not doing the everyday stuff, I’m looking at Nature and engaging the true imagination, re-imagining the Nature Powers. In another era, the Nature Powers were known as gods. Religion has thoroughly contaminated the ‘god’ word and ‘spirit’ is not much better, so I’ll stick with ‘powers’ for now.
The Nature Powers came into being when the Earth was young. They are the high level organising principles, which then come into human awareness in different ways, according to the cosmic cycles of existence and dependencies. We have had very little interaction with them, while we’ve been under authoritarian rule, but now that’s falling away, the Nature Powers are reaching out to us. They need us to real-eyes them, so that they can help us regenerate ourselves and our world.
Naturally, some people are more drawn to this activity than others. Those that don’t get it, tend to either ridicule those of us that do and tell us to ‘get real.’ Nothing can be more real than playing with the Nature Powers. This is essential work/play, especially as there are so few of us who can even imagine the possibility of interacting with the higher powers of Nature. Trust your insights and don’t be disheartened.
Everything I write about the Nature Powers is for inspiration and the pleasure of sharing; there’s no ‘how to’ manual and no hard and fast rules. The Nature Powers themselves are extremely fluid and dynamic and often location specific. They are definitely greater than us, but they are also in us – their power outside of us is because it is more concentrated when free of human biology.
The Nature Powers I describe, are those I’ve encountered so far and nothing even close to a ‘comprehensive list.’ I don’t think it’s possible to be comprehensive as there will always be more. In the past, I’ve looked to mythology and other people’s experiences, but I don’t do that now – it pins them down, ‘fixes’ them, so you are left with a description, but no real Nature Power.
This is the ultimate game. The true imagination is itself a Nature Power, involving the ability to feel into the underlying energetic patterns of reality and bring them to light and life in a novel way. Only humans operating from the Heart-Self can wield this power that the Earth needs to regenerate herself, us and all of Nature.
What makes this real and not fantasy is the confirmation from your ordinary sense and maybe another witness, if you are lucky. Without this confirmation you will spiral inwards to a slow death. Confirmation usually comes in the form of synchronicities, direct knowing of something previously unknown and animal encounters. Events involving the Nature Powers are always rich and multi-faceted, operating on many levels that reach deep into your psyche and take a while to unpack – they keep on giving for a long time, spiralling out into other related events.
Wild birds initiate us into the true imagination and the Nature Powers and, ironically, we often pick up the signal by noticing dead birds, or birds flying into the window. It’s as if Nature is desperately trying to reach us – and death in Nature is not permanent. Birds are the emissaries of the Great Mother and incredibly responsive to divination and entrainment.
According to Ted Andrews in Animal Speak, The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small,
“Birds reflect a union of the conscious mind with the unconscious. They reflect the achievement of full realization. Because of their ability to fly, they are associated with aspiration, flights of intuition, beauty and levitation. Birds are a source of creative imagination, and they have the ability to awaken within us our own flights of magic.”
Once you’ve pulled yourself out of the broken society and plucked out the poisoned hooks of the vampire-squid, you real-eyes that there’s no enemy to fight and nothing and no one to save. As I write this, at Imbolc in 2024, it’s clear to me that the Earth has already shifted to a new level in the game and those of us who are in resonance with her now have a new perceptual mode of engagement, that is light, creative and playful.
We also know that the Earth is going through major changes as we move into solar maximum in 2024. The Earth has suffered greatly through human activities and we don’t know what the effect of this interference yet – especially when you consider that we have mined vast quantities of minerals from deep in the Earth, without knowing what they were where they were, and now have them floating is orbit it various satellite constellations. This is having an unprecedented effect on the Earth’s magnetic field and our individual and collective consciousness, as well as our biology. What can you do about this? Make the best choices you can for you and your loved ones and ride it out.
As we begin to experience ourselves and our reality in this new perceptive mode, we can see other players and layers, new characters in the game and interact with them according to their rules of engagement. Child-like innocence and Love inspire the true imagination and have more currency than acquired wisdom.
The Earth vibrates us into existence, through the play of sound and light through water and as we engage more deeply with ourselves in these modes. We naturally ripple out into words, art and other forms and all of Nature responds.
We ‘win’ just by playing and creating and imagination guided by Love fuels the fire to keep us going through these times.