Earth Magic

The Naming Power

The Naming Power, sometimes called the Law of Names, is the power of the true name, or the secret name is naming magic. It was said that, if you knew the secret name of a phenomenon, a being or a thing, it gave you its power and you had complete control over it. Of course, only a very few high magicians knew the secret names and held this power, supposedly.

The Naming Power is an act of creation whenever it is used, because once something is named, it begins attracting energy and attention. This is demonstrated in the Book of Genesis, when God gives Adam the power to name all the beasts. This is not something that happened in the past and is over and done with, it is an act of creation that is happening all the time.  We are all named and we can all name too.

You use this Power whenever you give something a nickname, like a special place, or a loved one, or a pet. That nickname is something you make up, or at least you think you make it up. However, what is really happening is that in the frequency bandwidth of your affection, that entity opens up and reveals their essence to you, which you then name. You enter into an empathetic relationship with what or whomever you have named, you get to know each other more intimately and the bond of affection strengthens. This is real.

The magicians of today use this power to name phantom entities, like the Corona Virus – or any virus come to that. All diseases are named this way, it is medical voodoo, in which a collection of symptoms becomes real because it has been named. Scientists use this form of magic in naming neutrinos, quantum quarks etc. In the financial sector there is fiat currency, bonds, futures, forwards and now digital currency. We are directed to give these entities our energy and attention and in so doing, we give them the power to affect our lives, whether they have any material existence or not.

We all have the Power to Name. If you use it consciously, operating via the signal from your Source connection on the frequencies of affection, bliss and Love, you can shape your reality very quickly. Within these frequencies, there is no possibility of control over another, but there is power-sharing, knowledge-exchange and a channel of wisdom generation opens up between you and within you.

You can also use this power to name objects. Warriors use it when naming their weapons.

Re-naming a disease or unfavourable condition cane dislodge negative energy and kick-start healing.

I have named the valley where we live, the Valley of the Dragon. Just recently, I’ve learned that we have a vortex here, with the elemental powers of the Dragon and the Phoenix

I have also named myself, especially for this adventure. Yolanka is a childhood nickname, very close to my given name of Yolanda, but exists only in spirit. Our home was named Casa do Mato, long before we moved here. It means house of the bush, or the wild land.

So I have named myself: ‘I am the spirit of the wild land.’

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