Earth Magic,  Subtle Energies

Medusa Protection Symbol

The image of Medusa at the top of this post can be used if you feel threatened, unloved, or overly sensitive to external stimuli. You can print it out, it only needs to be very small and use it, when and where you feel the need for protection and to activate your self-love. Self-love is the ultimate power of protection, because you are all that is and to love yourself is to activate the protection of all that is sacred..

I keep it above the front door of our house to keep out negative and parasitic energies. I used to use Hekate, but for me this is more effective at this time. The ants have left the plant by the door and the dogs are laying out there again. I stick the image on our dog collars if they are injured or seem to be a bit down and it helps ward off ticks and fleas. I think it is especially effective for deterring parasites.

It is a living symbol that is in resonance with the greater intelligence of the Earth.  When we feel threatened or unloved, stressed or overwhelmed we contract and lose connection with ourselves and Nature.  This symbol allows the Earth energies to move through spaces where there are blockages and obstacles, physical or non.physical, restoring energy, equilibrium and the flow of life force.

This particular image from a cast of the libation bowl from Temple of the Divine Vespasian, Rome, c79AD. Even though the image has no visible colours, it generates all the colour frequencies as well as the toroidal 3-6-9 energy, the feminine power of creation. The artist knew what he was doing. When you are in alignment with these energies, you are as safe as you can be in any given situation.

There are many versions of the Medusa myth. At its core are the three Gorgon sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa who were said to be the result of an incestuous union between children of the primordial sea-god, Pontos, and Gaia. They were described as monsters with snake hair and eyes that would petrify anyone who looked at them. Of the three only Medusa was mortal, a device central to all the versions of the myth, because if she were not mortal she could not be ‘killed,’ only to retain her power as a decapitated head. In later versions of the myth, the terrifyingly ugly Medusa becomes feminized and beautiful, only to be raped by Poseidon, banished by Athena and decapitated by the young hero Perseus. He used her head to scare off the sea-monster who was about to devour Andromeda and delivered it to Athena, who stuck it on her shield to scare off enemies in battle. The focus on the head is common to all versions of the myth, because medusa works at the level of mind, consciousness, frequencies and thought forms.

Which version of the Medusa myth is true? Does it matter? The image really does speak for itself. You can measure the colour frequencies it emanates using the simple process described here.

In this video, I show how to measure the 369 energy that this image emits and you can find out more about the 369 energy here.

For me, Medusa ignites a vestigial memory of the elemental dragon power of the Earth, the eternal toroidal Life Force that generates form, no matter what is done to it. A reminder of the forces of Nature that can be terrifying and beautiful, but never destroyed, as they will always re-emerge as something else.

When you are in resonance with Nature, you cannot look at this power, because it is part of you – you are Nature and Nature sees through your eyes. If you are not in alignment with Nature and look at the natural world, with the eyes of a conquerer or indifference, she will cause such fear to arise in you that you will be unable to think or move, petrified. This is why the psycho-parasites hate Nature and want their hosts to live in artificial environments – they are frightened to death.

This image of Medusa puts you back in resonance with Nature if something knocks you off balance during these transitions times. It brings you back to yourself, where you feel safe and loved.

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