Organic health

Living Water in the New Real

The Body as a Solar-Powered Water Battery

In the new real, water is not just for hydration; it is a solar powered battery, that fuels many cellular functions, drives circulation and supports the heart.

Remember the alchemical image of The Green Lion Devouring the Sun, that I was contemplating last December when I wrote A Dose of Vitriol? The image prompted something in addition to photosynthesis in my mind, but I couldn’t quite grasp it at the time. When I looked at it again today, I immediately saw the green of the heart chakra and the folklore correlations between the lion and the heart – this image can also be taken to depict the sun powering the heart. This is not as far-fetched as it might sound.

Green Lion Devouring the Sun

Stephanie Seneff, a computer research scientist at MIT, uses her computer language skills to synthesize volumes of studies in biology, to get to the bottom of what is really going on in many diseases. She has made the connection between sulphur and glucose metabolism and how sulphur deficiency underlies many diseases, see Sulfur deficiency. In the same article she raises the question: is the skin a solar-powered battery for the heart? Vitamin D (actually a hormone and not a vitamin at all) is synthesized in the kidneys, signified by the two ‘balls’ on the tail of the green lion.

Seneff summarizes the process like this:

“Why am I spending so much time talking about all of this? Well, if I’m right, then the skin can be viewed as a solar-powered battery for the heart, and that is a remarkable concept. The energy in sunlight is converted into chemical energy in the oxygen-sulfur bonds, and then transported through the blood vessels to the heart and skeletal muscles. The cholesterol sulfate and vitamin D3-sulfate are carriers that deliver the energy (and the oxygen) “door-to-door” to the individual heart and skeletal muscle cells.”

However, this article doesn’t mention the role of water in the process. Seneff gets to that in this presentation: The Mineral Power of Your Body’s Electrical Supply

This is her summary of that presentation. Sulfate (US spelling) or sulphate (English spelling) means related to sulphur, or compounds of sulphuric acid. Gelled water is also referred to as EZ (exclusion zone) water, structured water, crystalline water or living water.

Summary: The Mineral Power of Your Body’s Electrical Supply, Stephanie Seneff

EZ water, is the term coined by Dr Gerald Pollack and described in his excellent book, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor. Pollack calls the familiar H2O, in which the water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom, bulk water to differentiate it from EZ water which is H3O2. It has a liquid crystalline honeycomb structure, higher viscosity and is more alkaline than ordinary water. It is the phase of water you know as surface tension that supports water boatman or pond skimmers and it is also the kind of water that makes up 99% of the cells in our bodies and the water in all living organisms. He named it exclusion zone water because it holds a negative charge that enables it to exclude impurities, such as toxins. EZ water occurs where water meets a hydrophilic surface, such as the ocean, or a glass where it meets the atmosphere, in cells where it meets membranes, or in the atmosphere itself where it clings to particles and is involved in the formation of clouds. Bulk water carries a positive charge. EZ water absorbs more radiant energy, especially in the infrared wavelengths (which are everywhere) than bulk water. The separation of the positive and negatively charged water provides the battery polarity, which either repels or attracts according to the amount of stored radiant energy in the EZ water and this creates the flow that enables blood to move through your veins, or water up a tree, as well as releasing energy as heat.

“Water, therefore, acts as a transducer, absorbing one kind of energy and converting it into other kinds.”

Dr Pollack describes this process, very simply in his TED talk: Water, Cells and Life

So, drinking living water, as we drunk from mountain springs and crystal lakes when we lived in forests, is clearly healthy. However, is it possible that correctly charged and aimed human creatures provide energy not just for themselves, but also to the planet? I can’t see how this could not be true. We live in the exclusion zone of the planet, connecting with the negatively charged earth (when you walk barefoot on the earth) and moving through the positively charged atmosphere. You feel the atmosphere, the air as hot and heavy pressure on your skin before a thunderstorm, but you are in it all the time and you cannot possibly be anything other than part of it – but are you a weak connection or a strong one?

Consider these two images. The first is a diagrammatic form of the six primary chakras (corresponding to the main organs of the endocrine system) and the positively and negatively charged channels of the human system. The Ida (negative charge) and Pingala (postitive charge) represent the basic duality in the existence, or Shakti and Shiva, feminine and masculine or it can be the intuitive and logical aspect of you. Without these two dualities, or charges, life wouldn’t exist as it does right now.

Ida and Pingala

The second image shows the Birkeland Currents. Birkeland currents connect the ionosphere to the magnetosphere and channel solar wind energy to Earth’s uppermost atmosphere. The earth is not powered by a liquid iron molten core, but by plasma jets from the sun and the pleroma and we are part of that system too.

Birkeland Currents

Now, consider this text from John Lash’s Great Work, A Recreation of the Alchemical Mystery

“For the Human to serve as the prime regenerative agent in atmospheric alchemy, is certainly a tremendous possibility. And it is only natural to ask if this is really possible, when will it come to pass? The answer must be given by way of the esoteric proposition of counterpoise; when the conditions that require regeneration become acute, then this potential will ripen. The again this leads to the obvious question: what evidence is to be found today of atmospheric processes that require regeneration? This is not hard to answer, for evidence is all around. It presents itself in the phenomenon, now unfolding on a worldwide scale, of collapsing ecosystems,”

Structured Water

In conclusion, drinking living water grounds you in the new real and makes it easier for you to participate in Correction. The effect is electrical and the results are tangible – it helps you remain poised, energized and in flow, so that you can recognize the flicker between the two reels and make an informed choice in any situation.

I know that many of you are already using structured water, but that this isn’t easy for everyone to do. We used to laser our water when we lived in London, but the lasers are very expensive. Here, our water is from a very deep well, we have shungite crystals in the well, copper triskellians and a copper torsion coil around the well-head and with the pipes running from the well to the house laid in spirals – yet we still found noticeable improvement in the taste and texture of the water when we used the ELFET water structuring technology.

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