Earth Magic

The Little Bear Clan

The Little Bears are one of the root clans, as old as the nagas and the bird people, the crocodile clans, the tree  and the fish people, to name just a few.  We came out of hibernation on the Summer Solstice of 2020.  Little bears are free thinking nature-lovers, sociable but inclined to go our own way, loving fiercely and playfully creative. It is our function to keep the wheels of creation moving, by registering the completion of a cycle within a cycle and  initiating a new forward movement.

We work-as-play to strengthen the muscles of direct knowing and to weave the torn shreds of the psyche back into the dreaming of the Great Mother.  We do this through how we live and our own dreaming and we bring it into consciousness through humour, art, storytelling, song and dance and magic.  We have the full support of the other clans in this endeavour – they lend us their special skills as necessary.

Little bears, where ever we are are now plugged in and transmitting, completing the circuit back to the mountains on the new Earth frequencies.

Since September of 2023, we have begun to pickup the clues we left for ourselves in both the past and the future, where we exist concurrently with our physical embodiment.  These clues show up as synchronicities, dreams, words and phrases, images and chance meetings.  These clues are powerful signals, emanating from the primordial intelligence of the Earth, who energizes the clue we imprinted in another lifetime, at exactly the right moment. This goes way beyond any plan of action we can make with our conscious minds.  The little bears, are uniquely gifted in many forms of hibernation and this has allowed us to retain our innocence and the ability to travel the hidden trails safely.

Many of the structures that have given us a feeling of stability and predictability are falling apart and attempts are underway to impose digital technology and transhumanism as a replacement.  This will fail, however, the pace of failure and the rate of regeneration are inextricably linked – it goes down in alignment with our ability to step up and support ourselves in the small pockets and communities that have maintained some kind of connection with Nature, especially with regard to food.  Amish communities are one such example.  Amish communities maintain a connection to Nature through the little bears in their midst, whether they know it or not.  Incarnation is not limited to biological ancestry and the greater intelligence of Nature doesn’t care about your beliefs.

The trauma caused by catastrophic failures and resets of the past, caused us to lose much of our history and it is not recoverable, because it’s not needed.  Anything we need to know now, to get on with our lives happily and successfully, is available to us.  This becomes obvious, the more we plug into Nature.   Our Sun and the Earth have been working together to generate the electromagnetic frequencies we need to heal ourselves and recover access to our full faculties.  See:  Surge, Purge and Emerge  and we are all placed exactly where we need to be to play our parts.  As we remember ourselves, the web strengthens and all we learn gets shared so that others can pick it up too.  We are headed for turbulent times, early next year (2024) is my current estimate, but we are already connected and our strength is in our imagination and our individual actions, in the right place and time.

The ‘little bear’ has no nationality, identity or group to join; it’s really just a short-hand reference to those of us who have been following this trail across may lifetimes; we have been shamans and gnostics, warriors and witches and done time in many of the secret societies.  But here’s the big difference between us and the ‘authorities’; while they have been accumulating knowledge and passing it on to their heirs through material wealth and ritual, in order to have authority over the rest of us, we have been quietly acquiring skills and wisdom in alignment with Nature.  These are now emerging, the wheels have already turned.

Most of us will never meet, but we pick up each others trails now and then and it’s good to know that there are other little bears in the world, whatever we call ourselves.  I picked up our trail on the Summer Solstice of 2020 and discovered an alignment from the Queen’s chamber of the Great Pyramid, directly to the North Star that had occurred almost exactly 4,430 years previously.  I’m still following the breadcrumbs.  Spider Grandmother’s web is now twanging and we are moving the waters.

The frequencies of the pyramids have now changed and are no longer active.  Some of us were also magician-builders in the past, and we left clues for ourselves.  I found this information on the Summer Solstice of 2020 Alignment of 25th July 2430 BC, as etched into the walls of the Queen’s Chamber.


Transmission on the Pole Star frequency for the Little Bear Clan:


Or another way to look at this: