Subtle Energies

Light Activations

Light Activations Telegram Channel

Light Activations is an open access Telegram Channel that is regularly updated with images that have a beneficial effect on our energy bodies, just through looking at them.

The channel was created up by subtle energy researcher Meg Lund, this is how she describes it:

“Facilitating our evolution through sharing images that have been tested with radiesthesia to be activating, ie, providing a lasting healing and balancing light connection with our higher selves, the elements, the central sun, or ancestors.”

“A good deal of research has demonstrated that having certain symbols or shapes (in our view), or doing certain activities (petting a dog, hugging a child, etc.) can have beneficial energetic exchanges associated with them. I’ve measured these in detail, to see what is coming and going in terms of color quality, the location in the body, and the thing with which it is connecting

“Light Activations,” something that just started happening last year, are where these beneficial energies are initiated by looking at something, and rather than ending when the person stops looking at it, they continue, for an indefinite amount of time. There have been dramatic changes in our biofield and energetic structures associated with these activations, and I expect we will see quite a bit more before it’s finished.

In 2023, there were only specific energetic structures affected and the number of these activations was much smaller than what is currently occurring. There was a pause in all of the energies from March 25 to mid-April in 2024, and then they returned. New Activations started up rapid fire. I wanted to share these, as they are happening, with as many people as possible, so the greatest number can benefit as quickly as possible.

The way that these appear to work is that when enough people get the activations (they will come from multiple sources, different works of art, auroras, etc.), they will “go universal,” and everyone will have the activating energies, even if they haven’t seen the images. Enjoy and share!!!

With love, Meg”

The featured image is of the “Confetti Quilt” from El-Aine that activates the lumbar spine and connection to the higher self.