Organic health

Lessons from water

In the developed world we take water for granted; we don’t appreciate it and we brutalise it, alternately contaminated it and then treating it with harmful chemicals.  We barely stop to think that without it we would not exist, many of us don’t even like to drink it.  This is the result of our deep disconnection from nature, from life and from ourselves – we are after all at least 70% water, just like our planet.  This disconnection has allowed us to pollute the oceans and poison our fresh water supplies with toxic chemicals, while we pretend that somehow this is not causing any harm.  I’m writing this a few days after the news about the continued and escalating emergency at Fukushima and the commencement of fracking at Balcombe in the UK.  The water systems of the world need our help.

Water has been communicating with me for several years.  She (water is a feminine being) first came into my consciousness through the work of Dr Masaru Emoto who showed how water formed different shaped crystals according to the intention underlying specific words, thoughts or music.  Then I began dreaming about water and this led me to meditate on water.  I became more aware of water. In the shower I found myself saying, “Thank you beautiful water.  I love you.”  Often before drinking a glass of water I’d hold it to my heart chakra and simply breathe in and out.  In the technocratic disconnected world of illusion, this is pure looney tunes, but Dr Masaru has shown that water forms the most beautiful crystals of all in response to love and gratitude.

Love and Gratitude
Water crystal after receiving Love and Gratitude

In London I began lasering our drinking water with a Quantumwave laser.  I used kinesiology to test what was best for our water at the time.  I found that the water tasted softer and had the slippery, silky feel of softened water, so it was easier to drink.  Clients who had not previously liked to drink water sucked it down.  I felt more hydrated, like my thirst was being quenched for the first time.  When we moved to Spain I continued to laser our water, but after going through several different processes, I discovered  BioGeometry and our water now maintains itself at the purest level measurable.

I still had lots more to learn about water though.  Learning about things isn’t enough these days.  It’s a good start, but real learning has to be coupled with physical action; it has to be learned in the body.  So in the midst of the rainiest winter in 40 or 70 years (depending on the age of the person telling us) our well ran dry.  At the same time the roof leaked, directly onto our bed.  Yet we were having to buy bottled water to drink and had a hose pipe from the neighbours for household uses.  When we bought our land and moved here we were determined to get the water issue under control.

We moved here in the rainiest spring in living memory.  The access road was like a river.  It was impossible to get the cabin down here for a week.  Eventually we managed it with 14 loads on a trailer with a neighbour’s tractor. There were two wells already on the property and we were told that this is a good area for water – it certainly looked as though it was.  We rigged up a pipe to the well that was in the field, so that we could have a gravity feed to the cabin; no electricity and kinder to the water.  For three weeks we just had a stand pipe outside; more learning on the importance of water.  Luckily the weather was warm.

The first shower inside with water from our well was glorious, just like warm gentle rain.  However, we’d lost quite a bit of water from the well in putting in the pipe and as summer rolled on the level was dropping and we knew we wouldn’t have enough water to last until the next rains.  We decided that we needed a new well as we weren’t sure how deep the other existing well was and it was also contaminated with bacteria.  So we have had a new well drilled, but the pump hasn’t arrived yet and we are on water rations again as the other well is nearly dry.  How many times do we need to learn this lesson?

The new well is deep and we need a pump to bring up the water, so it’s not quite as ‘natural’.  I decided to ask the water what it needed, so I went out and laid in the field next to the well with my question and waited.  The answer came quickly and clearly.  We’ve bought a tensor ring from The Energy Garden to go around the well head and I will be making three triskelions out of granite to go next to the well and where the pipe joins the cabin.  The triskelion is an ancient symbol with the ability to raise the vibration of water and neutralise harmful energies.  I didn’t know this before, but the water communicated with me so clearly that I was able to Google the spiral shape with connection to water.

Triskelion anticlockwise

I then downloaded and read Dancing with Water.  This is one of the most important books I’ve read in the past 10 years.  It honours water as sacred and life-giving and provides references to the hard science that provide evidence of its extraordinary properties.  It is also very practical and reviews the wide range of devices that are available to help restructure water back to its full, living, spectrum.  Full spectrum, living water is not just more hydrating, it is actually healing.

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