A Functional Magic Wand
ADDENDUM January 2024: I no longer need to use the wand, the index finger of my left-hand is now entrained to detect subtle energies with the neutral pendulum.
The image at the top of this post is of my ‘magic wand’. It is a functional tool that I use to locate and correct energy disturbances in a place, or a person, animal or plant. Now that most of us are energetically integrated within ourselves and the electromagnetic field of the Earth, (see: Surge, Purge and Emerge) these energy methods work much more quickly and reliably, via intention and resonance, directing new energy and information to where it is needed. We are not making the correction, but directing energy so that the person, place or animal can make their own correction. We are working with full colour aether, or healing energy and it cannot be used to to any harm.
My wand is a syringe, minus the needle and plunger, with a piece of copper wire wound 16 times on the inside and sticking out where the needle would be. This is the pointer. The open end, where the plunger would usually be has three tiny neodymium magnets, one on the inside and two on the outside. I used three because I like the number and that’s how many magnets I had, but two will suffice, one on the inside and the other on the outside. The copper wire must not protrude above the magnets.
My design is based on a simpler version a friend made, that is just a tube of paper with two magnets, one on each side at the top and a piece of copper tape curled around the inside at the bottom, with a bit sticking out to be a pointer. The coiled copper wire is not necessary, but if you use it with anything other than 16 coils (based on the golden ratio) it will work differently. The open end of the paper wand also emits full colour aether, or healing energy.
NOTE: we have since discovered that the addition of a small piece each of silver and gold wire into the tube enhances sensitivity and enables the detection of attachments and spells that are not picked up by the copper alone.
The wand is used in conjunction with a neutral pendulum. To use the wand to find and correct an energy disturbance in a specific location, a piece of land, or a house you need a map or plan of the place. You hold the wand in your left hand and the pendulum in your right hand. Identify the type of disturbance you are looking for, or you can just look for a disturbance, as long as you are clear in your own mind as to what you are looking for. Move the pointer of the wand slowly over the map and when the disturbance is located, the pendulum will rotate counter clockwise.
To correct the disturbance, but the open end of the wand over the place on the map or plan and leave it for 30 seconds or so. Check again ad the pendulum will spin clockwise. You can check later and you will find the correction has held.
If you are working with an individual, you need a photo witness of them and a diagram of the body system you are working with. Place photo on the top or to the side of the diagram, where you can see it easily while you are working as this is how you make the energetic connection. Then you follow the same process as for working with a place.
Playing with energy in this way generates its own field so that, after a while, people receive the information and the healing indirectly – it spreads like a positive contagion.
Below is a short demonstration video of working with a friend’s cat and looking for fungal imbalances. (We all have fungus in our bodies, but it is only a problem if imbalanced and there is too much of it.)
This video demonstrates using the magic wand and a neutral pendulum to optimize the critical relationships between minerals. It will not correct a mineral deficiency, but the full spectrum aether sent to the witness informs them, so that they can adjust the relationship in the most beneficial way, given their current mineral status. We are finding that this helps maintain health and vitality and that for animals it has been beneficial in enabling them to keep fleas and parasites at bay.
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I’m so enjoying my Magic Wand! It’s really a fun way to bring blessings and do mantras and prayers at the same time.
I decorated mine. I made it out of a rose water container and it is called Laxmi after the Goddess. I felt it was an amazing synchronicity to have the Divine feminine adorning the Magic Wand.
Thank you for the beautiful work you do and for sharing this magic world with us.
Yolanka do Mato
I know exactly what you are saying . it is so much fun to play with, it really works and it fills us up with gratitude and reverence at the same time. A magic wand called Laxmi – I love her. Thank you for your comment