Nature Powers


“Old Heraclitus, who was indeed a very great sage, discovered the most marvelous of all psychological laws: the regulative function of opposites. He called it enantiodromia, a running contrariwise, by which he meant that sooner or later everything runs into its opposite.” –Carl Jung

What happens when the gas giant meets Uranus?

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on the 20th April in the invisible hind-quarters of The Bull, marks the point in when the direction of the charge turns.  On the the other side of the Sun, the alignment of Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Mars and Saturn will be visible to the naked eye (except Neptune) in the pre-dawn of the 20th April, in most places, as if to highlight the significance of this event.  The planets are projections in the mind of the Great Mother and function as indicators of cosmic events and energies that will affect life on Earth. How these events and movements unfold depends on the context and everything we have done, or not done, leading to that pivot point.

The aurochs defines the constellation of The Bull. This powerful, agile animal with magnificent horns it used to protect the herd from predators, wandered across the plains and woodlands of Europe, Siberia, India and China until the 1600s.  They finally succumbed to loss of habitat, farming and hunting and the last surviving cow died in Poland in 1627.  They are slowly being reintroduced through selective breeding and rewilding programmes. The setting for this conjunction calls our attention to the spirit of the aurochs, the strength and drive of freedom to roam from the pristine inner landscapes out into the wild.

Uranus symbolizes the cos­mic function that switches an energy into its opposite form when it reaches an extreme state of expression.  In conjunction with Jupiter, the energies of expansion and growth are reversing from every area in which they have reached maximum domination, to the opposite counterposition.  The power dynamics driving material reality have already shifted and, from this pivot point, will become increasingly obvious.

Those of us who have been on the trail for a while have observed many examples of the changes in the power dynamics playing out in the animal kingdom and in the subtle energy realms.

“In 2022, a film crew working on the Lika Plains near the Adriatic coast of Croatia picked up some remarkable behaviour. A small herd of aurochs had been released into the area a few years earlier, and thermal-imaging video footage showed the bulls responding to the threat of a pack of wolves by forming a semi-circle and facing outwards with their fearsome horns to the front.

Cows and calves sheltered behind this defensive shield, along with a group of wild horses, including a foal.”

Prehistoric aurochs back from extinction


The significant event of our many lifetimes occurred in the energy body of the Earth on the solar eclipse.  Like so many of the subjects I discuss here, this event has not been detected by either the scientific community or those who tune into the subtle energy signals.  On the day of the eclipse the poles reversed.  Specifically, the North Pole vortex reversed out of a counter-clockwise spin and into a clockwise spin and the South Pole vortex reversed out of a clockwise spin and into a counter-clockwise spin.  Our human biofields have moved into alignment with this reversal.

This event was picked up on the day by Meg Lund and subsequently confirmed by Dr Jerry Gin and myself.  It is almost unbelievable to consider that an event of such magnitude could go unnoticed, but this is the fundamental reality of the shifts we have been going through: mainstream systems, institutes, science and technology are not able to detect the subtle energies of Nature because they are all designed to enforce the artificial matrix.  The new Earth demands a new holistic and agenda-free science and has changed the terms of reference accordingly. The interactions between the Earth and the human biofield that have occurred over the past 18 months, leading up to the pole reversal, have all been meticulously documented by Meg and Jerry, to be revealed in their forthcoming book, The Birth of a New Humanity.

The pole reversal brings the Earth back into balance that is beneficial to all life on Earth.  Robert Lawlor mentions this in his book, Voices of the First Day. The positive north cycle correlates with a Golden Age.


The exquisite surprize of the pole reversal, carries the seal of the Great Mother on multiple levels – oh, yes, she loves school-boy humour and homophones and the winds squeal in delight when we pick up her clues.  As a little bear reminded me; there is an Indo-European legend of the bear who expels the souls of the dead that it carries in its belly, emitting a great fart when it wakes up after the long winter.  The shamanic bear cult never left and we will live to hear a lot of big stinkers noisily dis-spelled.

At the Supernatural level, the power symbolised by Uranus transcends all dualistic expressions of form, such as polarity, gender, yin and yang etc. and is of itself neither one nor the other.  The function of the ‘Uranian switch’ is not a swap that simply transposes teams on the existing field, giving advantage to one rather than the other.  It is rather a more extended alternation of ‘currents’, with the goal of generating a third, previously unknown balance, that mixes up all the players and expels the extreme elements.

Enantiodromia is a term of reference for the cosmic power symbolised by Uranus, as it emerges in consciousness.

Jung notes that

“Enantiodromia is synonymous with emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time. This characteristic phenomenon practically always occurs when an extreme, one-sided tendency dominates conscious life; in time an equally powerful counterposition is built up, which first inhibits the conscious performance and subsequently breaks through the conscious control.”

C.G Jung, Collected Works 6. 1949

This enantiodromian switch is perfectly expressed by the Earth in the spin-reversal of the polar vortices. The great wheel has turned and here we are, at the start of a new epic cycle.

Just stop for a moment and consider, through everything that has passed over so many generations, by luck, effort or both, to be here, now. What are the odds on that? The power of Life is with Nature and in us, moving through us, wanting expression – what are you going to do with it?

Next post: Blake and Castaneda Belly-up to the Infinity Bar

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