Nature Powers

Do Nothing! Act Now!

This week the horns have been poking with me from several directions, until I finally surrendered, sat down. did nothing and got carried away……..

The ‘do nothing’ signal is the carrier wave, Nature’s interactive frequency that permeates everything. This signal is in the negative green frequency range and can be detected with the BioGeometry tools invented by Dr Ibrahim Karim. The negative green carrier wave has a beneficial horizontal aspect and a harmful vertical aspect and you cannot detect them in any way without being directly affected by them. One of the early French radiesthesists, Leon de Chaumery was killed by dehydration through exposure to the vertical negative green wave, before its harmful effects were known in modern times. The ancient Egyptians knew about it used it for mummification. They also knew about horizontal negative green and used it for healing and harmony. There is nowhere and no way to escape negative green, it can pass through lead and stone. Nature maintains the balance between the vertical and horizontal negative green waves, but humans are free to disrupt the balance and often do it unwittingly and to their own detriment.

Earlier this week we had been discussing how people around here are deaf to the war drums in the east and blind to their own health and well-being, just carrying on ‘as normal’. In reality, their inno-sense is their protection, as they are not conscious participants. Those of us who have a higher awareness, also have a higher duty of care and responsibility. The Earth energy is moving more freely every day and She can execute a precise strike in many ways via Her dynamic grid and Her strikes have an unmistakeable signature. They will not be reported on the news. (See The Homeopathic Bee Sting for an earlier example.) Interference in any way that is not creative, compassionate or harmonious is foolhardy at best and likely to bring on some self-harm, especially now with Mars bringing on the heat. I have seen the vertical negative green energy move into some one who had predatory desires for some one who was not interested and it drove him insane.

The ‘Act Now’ signal is artificial. It comes via technology and always imposes some kind of condition, ‘act now, or else…..’ Real people do not need to attach conditions to our words. We sometimes like to elaborate, we might have some hangovers regarding explaining, but an imperative through us will speak for itself. When you really do need to act immediately, there is no gap between the impulse and the action, no space for doubt or thinking. You are seamless in action.

There are three layers to the genuine signal: the ‘do nothing, regarding the biggest event currently unfolding in our galaxy’ which gives some protection to the sleepers; then there is the fierce, do nothing, stand firm, hold your ground of the conscious warrior. The third, is a total surrender to your infinite self and the unknown potential of a given moment. I want to talk about this for a bit.

Many years ago, I had a s-wanky job that involved swanning around the world at various events and conferences. On this occasion, at a reception at the US Ambassador’s private residence in Regent’s Park, London, the champagne was the only thing flowing and I was pinned by the Cultural Attaché and a couple of low-flying lawyers. They were talking about a wonderful string quartet that I had never heard of, but suddenly my mouth opened and these words came out: oh yes, I saw them in a private concert on the Mull of Kintyre last year. WTF, what was I saying? I’ve never been to the Mull of Kintyre and know nothing about classical music. Yet, strong magic was at work. Within minutes, one of the lawyers said that he had also been there and the other knew a third party who had been there too! I left my body standing there gobsmacked for a bit, while I went far away to regroup. I came back with the stark real-eyesation that they were all making it up and I had been playing it straight all these years. I decided that I was going to make it up from then on too.

So for the next year or so, my career took off in private helicopters and limos and I spoke at conferences all over the world and I made it all up. The inevitable reckoning came when the CFO of the company asked for a ‘back of the envelope’ outline for the next year’s budget, which I duly made up. A few weeks later, on seeing those exact figures in the official company budget – this was a FTSE 100 company – I called a meeting with the CFO to tell him that he couldn’t include those numbers in the company budget. He looked at me as though I had broken some unspoken rule and said very clearly and slowly: are you saying that you do not stand by those numbers? And I said, “Yes, that’s right. I don’t and neither should you, I just made them up.” He said, “I can find some one who will stand by them you know.” To which I replied, “Well, you’d better do that then.”

My corporate career ended there and then, but brilliantly and with no regrets. The CFO was, unknowingly to him, the gatekeeper to a higher level of initiation. My perception changed. Shortly after that meeting, events unfolded in my life that caused me to question my fundamental understanding of reality and my psychic awareness was vastly enhanced. I was eager to venture into the unknown. All I had to do was nothing, to stand firm on my principles and not be swayed by implied threats.

So why did we not experience any significant change in perception over the past three years, when so many of us have been the backstop that has prevented the robotization of the entire human family? There have been some shifts for sure, but not anywhere near as consistent, widespread or intense as I had anticipated. I got the answer to that question yesterday, when we enjoyed the rare pleasure of the company of three natural human friends here on the finca.

I stopped socializing long before the lockdowns, mostly because my energy field involuntarily scans the biofield of anyone I come into contact with and I get flooded with information that I don’t want and can’t do anything with. This was useful to some extent when I worked as a kinesiologist and transpersonal psychologist, but mostly people just don’t want to know and it just saddened me. Recently, I noticed that I was not getting information from the ‘vexed’ and I assumed that it was because of whatever had been put in them. However, these guys were young, natural and healthy, yet I was still not getting any information. What was going on? It is the mobile phones. The three phones together seemed to be generating some kind of insulating field. It doesn’t matter that I couldn’t read them, it was actually very relaxing, but is this artificially generated field also muffling the interaction between natural humans and the earth grid? I think so.

This is the time to assert your sovereignty over any digital technology you use, if you haven’t already. There are many ways to do this. I use the BioGeometry tools and methods, that I find easy and reliable. (I have no affiliation with the company.) Fundamentally, digital technology is all just numbers and not even all the numbers, just zeros and ones. How can reality or even the human experience of life possibly be reduced to binary code? More so, how can anyone who has had any real-life experience, with all its textures, thrills and spills, even think that any kind of computer generated environment can even come close? However, the goal is not about generating a virtual environment. The AI has already gained control over the hybrids who work closely with it and it now wants more information about how the natural humans work, so it can manage us more efficiently.

The technology does not win of course – it is just numbers generating an artificial field and blocking us from interacting with the Earth frequencies. The new Earth grids are strengthening and it is critical that we learn to discern the natural from the artificial signal.

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