Subtle Energies

Detecting Subtle Colour Frequencies

ADDENDUM 2024:  As of February 2024, the hemisphere model here no longer works.  We are still in a state of flux and observing the situation.  In my opinion, the ‘mental models’ we held of reality in general have dissolved.

This is a simple method you can use to detect the subtle colour frequencies of any person, animal or object, using a neutral pendulum and a radiesthesia or dowsing colour chart.  The subtle colour frequencies are generally known as the aura or biofield. A dowsing colour chart is shown at the top of this post, you can find the original here

A neutral pendulum, is a sphere on a string. It is not pointed or cone-shaped and doesn’t have any other markings on it and they are cheap to buy and very useful. You can check out my introduction to testing with a neutral pendulum here.

To detect subtle colour frequencies in a person, animal, object or place

  1. Use a photo or scan of a photo of the person, animal, object or place that you want to measure. Head only for a person, with no other people or animals in the photo.
  2. Tools used: A neutral pendulum and the Hemisphere Chart of Subtle Vibrational Energies
  3. Place the Chart below the picture of the subject. Place your finger on each colour with the left hand and hold the neutral pendulum in the right hand above the photo.
  4. Start the to and fro motion of the neutral pendulum. If you are measuring a person, slowly move the pendulum over all the top of the head from ear to ear.
  5. If the colour you are pointing to on the Chart is present, the pendulum will rotate clockwise. Note the location on the head which showed the presence of resonance with the colour on the Chart.
  6. Repeat for all colours on the chart.

7. Note that photos are the mirror image of the subject. Thus, a colour found on the right side of the head              of  the subject in the picture is the colour on the left side of the head.

Thank you to Dr Jerry Gin for outlining this process and you can find more information about measuring subtle energies on his Youtube channel

Why detect anyone’s subtle colour frequencies?

At the end of last month, many of us on the planet embodied our multi-dimensional selves and began generating full colour in our auras. In other words, we attained the Rainbow Body. This is an enormous shift. We are still in the process of integrating and stabilizing these frequencies and connecting ourselves into the electromagnetic field of the Earth – more about that here.

Some entities here are not human and others have chosen a path that takes them back to the abyss, for which the Rainbow Body is not needed. It is useful to be able to identify these entities.

Additionally, although many of us know intuitively that something major is happening, it helps bed these frequencies in more rapidly for everyone when the rational mind is satisfied. If you feel inclined to investigate, it will be worth your while and I can assure you that, if your resonate with this post, that you and all your friends and family are rainbows too.

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    • Yolanka do Mato

      If you are using a neutral pendulum, the length of string doesn’t matter, just go with what feels natural to you. It’s not the same process as taking the personal wavelength of the person or object. If you use the BioGeometry horizontal pendulum, you don’t need the colour chart, just a pointer to point at the area you are detecting and the length of the string needs to be three fingers from the top of the pendulum and you have to change the dial to measure each colour separately. I used both the neutral pendulum and horizontal pendulum initially.to check my own results, but the neutral pendulum is quicker once you are confident in how it works.