Organic health,  Subtle Energies

Correcting Mineral Imbalances with Magic Wand and Neutral Pendulum

Our soils are depleted of minerals, so our food is depleted of minerals and so are we.  Mineral imbalances underly many chronic conditions and general feelings of fatigue, inability to focus and slow healing.

Whilst the underlying relationships between minerals can be complex, it is possible to correct mineral imbalances in another human or an animal, at a distance, using a form of radiesthesia.  With this method, you direct aether or full colour life force to the energy body of the subject and the aether – part of the intelligence of Nature – interacts with the energy body of the subject, which then gives the necessary information to the physical body.  This allows the body to reset within its current mineral profile.  It does not correct mineral deficiencies or excesses, but once the body knows what it needs, it will find many ways of letting you know!

The effects of this kind of intervention are non-local and instant, but the physical healing that follows can take a few days.  During this healing period you might experience some symptoms, such as stomach upset, nausea or tiredness.  This is normal, as your body integrates the new information and resets.

Be sure to check that the corrections have held a few days later.

How to make a functional magic wand.

The mineral wheel for animals or humans:


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