Playing the game of re-creating our world and re-creating ourselves. Recreating at work.
The Love of the Electric Masculine
Spring is all dressed up, waiting for her lover. The fruit trees have more blossom than ever before, maybe we will have some fruit this year. The birds around the house are preparing their nests, but they won’t begin mating…
Syncing in the Rainbow Sea
Reclaiming Our Magic The ‘Rainbow Sea’ is a poetic name for the livable atmosphere of our Earth. (Nothing to do with political agendas, sexualized trauma and tortured genders.) It looks like nothing, yet is intelligent and responsive, replete with energy…
Imagination Is Not What You Think
It is the New Currency Your true self is the one who imagines, the dreamer who makes magic. Imagination is our faculty for bringing novelty into existence and we’re all naturally really good at it. It is the currency, the…
Earth Witness
An Invitation This talk is about witnessing the energy shifts of last week, with the Venus Star of the 22nd October and the partial eclipse of the 25th, leading up to the alchemical transformation that is unlocking when the sun…
Abandoned Galicia
This is about about an hour north of where we live, but it could be the next village. Much of rural Spain, as much as 70%, is abandoned and the people have moved to the cities, mostly for jobs and…
Regenerating Ravenwood
Medusa and Dionysus had a Bonfire
Tumultuous energies have rolled through here, since the beginning of November. First, came the crows. They don’t live here, but they were pulled in by the Earth energies, as in May of this year when Medusa emerged from her exile.…