Nature Powers
Freya’s Sulphuric Necklace
In another post, Yellow Dock: Badger Medicine for a New Story I recounted how our dog Freya got a new tale and became my teacher. So, the other day, when she began digging again, relentlessly, all over the newly grassed…
Ophiussa: the Land of Serpents Ophiussa, is the name the ancient Greeks gave to parts of Northern Portugal and Galicia. It means Land of the Ophis, ophis being the Greek word for serpent. Very little can be known about how…
Magnetic Intent
Intent is magnetic For a few years now, I’ve been holding to the intention of living the dream of this land and following through on the guidance I’m receiving. Sometimes it feels like trying to apply mascara while riding a…
Lucid Dreaming with Gaia
I’m a lucid dreamer and have been for most of my life. I used to have terrible nightmares, as a child. Eventually, I learned how to wake myself up out of the nightmare and then I thought: if I could…
The Warrior Priestess
The Role of the Warrior Priestess This post spews out of my repugnance at the vile creatures of the totally misguided women’s protest movement, but what could I say that hasn’t already been said? Instead, I’m going to push that…