Nature Powers
Samhain with Will and Skill
Samhain, midway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice marks the beginning of the period of when the ‘veil between the worlds’ is at its most permeable. The veil is the surface world, what we can perceive with our…
Shaping Reality
The Dreaming Power We all shape reality all the time, but mostly in a limited way and without awareness of what we are doing, mostly because we think too much. We shape reality most effectively when we are in the…
The Hermetic Wild Child
On July 13th 2021, Venus and Mars made love in Sekhmet’s lair and conceived the hermetic wild child in the solar winds.* As I real-eyes this new archetype within myself, he/she/me becomes more stable and begins to show up in…
Hekate: Queen of Thresholds
Hekate Trivia, Goddess-Witch-Queen, is the animating power of thresholds, doorways, boundaries and portals and the liminal in-betweens, neither here nor there, the hypnagogic state. Third eye blindness prevents us from perceiving the energetic significance of these edges and borderlands, but…
Finding Mr Luigi
Mr Luigi has a very long arm. He can reach into your mind and make a bowl of spaghetti, without you knowing he was there, even though he’s not Italian. I first got wind of him in what I would…
Winter Solstice 2020: Rebirth of the Green Man
The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter 2020 Saturn and Jupiter Great Conjunctions occur every 20 years, once in a generation. This year it occurs exactly on the Winter Solstice, 21st December 2020, which gives it an extra boost from…
By the Light of the Harvest Moon
October Harvest Moon and Blue Moon The harvest moon is traditionally the first full moon after the autumn equinox, when farmers are said to be able to finish the harvest by the light of the moon. I think of it…
Deadwood, Microbes and Demons
Deadwood is the fruit of a dying paradigm – and where’s there’s deadwood, there will always be microbes that are fundamental to the cycle of life. The enforced quarantine has barely impacted on our daily lives, but yesterday as we…
The Bearings
Bearing: 1. the manner in which one conducts or carries oneself, including posture and gestures: a person of dignified bearing. 2. the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth. 3. something that is produced; a crop. 4. the act of enduring or the capacity to endure. 5. reference or relation (usu. fol. by on): It has no bearing on the problem. 6.a. a supporting part of a structure. b. the area of contact between a bearing member, as a beam, and a pier, wall, or other underlying support. 7. the support and guide for a rotating, oscillating, or sliding shaft, pivot, or wheel. 8. Often, bearings. direction: The pilot radioed the plane’s bearings. 9. a horizontal direction expressed in degrees east or west of a true or magnetic north or south direction. 10. a device on a heraldic field. Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. Alchemy and…
Itching for a Fright
Tulku loves a good scratch. He´s not what I’d call an itchy dog, his coat is glossy and he is healthy, happy, calm and strong. He’s never been to the vets. So, when around the full moon in the Serpent…