Nature Powers
Circuit Complete
Reality Checking the Alien Masculine I ended my last post, way back on the 30th October, with a question: are you ready to play reality checkers? Apparently, our play session required us to build a circuit between Dean and I,…
Rebirth of the Dragon Dog, Autumn Equinox 2024
Equinox greetings! As I write this, the Autumn Equinox of 2024 is tomorrow. The equinox is a still point, a portal to the infinite now from which past and future emerge and merge. This is Tulku’s story and ours…
The Strange Flows of the Dragon
Let’s talk about dragons. The western mind control cults were very successful at cutting us off from our dragons; vilifying them and relegating them to the realms of children’s fantasy, all the while using black magic to pin down the…
Muffin and the Iberian Dragon
Muffin fell to Earth in the wave of the Summer Solstice 2024. We found Maia guarding her on the lower terrace. Maia doesn’t guard birds for their protection, but Muffin wasn’t moving and that saved her life. Muffin is a…
“Old Heraclitus, who was indeed a very great sage, discovered the most marvelous of all psychological laws: the regulative function of opposites. He called it enantiodromia, a running contrariwise, by which he meant that sooner or later everything runs into…
Black Jaguar and the Green Knight
I sat down to write this post and the shadow of the resurrection fell across my mirror. Resurrection, or reincarnation? Rebirth, even? The Lady of the Lake has declared herself and Black Jaguar visited on the night of the 18th…
Real-eyesing the Tulku
I tuned into the dream-stream of the Tulku, in this current Sun cycle, at the Autumn Equinox of 2022. We had prepared for this (unknowingly at the time) by bringing the frequencies of the Mother Consciousness and the Lightning-Bearer into…
Sundog-Tulku and the Alcyone Portal
Transceived on on 13th February 2024. Sundog-Tulku is a Nature Power, the Guardian of the Portals and a primal Light Being generated by the Sun and the Earth. He/she first came into being in the Himalayas and it has a…
Mr Luigi Dissolves the Spanish Inquisition
“The word “lifehood”, is not just a word I coined for the old ideas about past lives. It presents a new philosophy of reincarnation created from different concepts about humans and the Earth. The expression “past lives” emphasizes the physical…
Wild Boar Medicine
High on the most slender ledge of the northern mountain, the snow leopard stirred. She opened her eyes and scanned the valley below, without moving a hair, invisible. The valley slept in darkness. Her ears swivelled as she listened, no…