
Kitchen Garden

  • Kitchen Garden

    What we grow in a year

    It took us a while to workout what we needed to grow in a year so, if you are new to gardening, this might be useful. Our garden provides 50 – 70% of our food. We could grow more and…

  • Kitchen Garden

    Strawberry Yields Forever

    Why grow your own strawberries? We have dedicated one of our seven raised beds entirely to strawberries and I feel happier with every berry we eat. Strawberries can be a superfood rich in health-promoting compounds like folic acid, vitamin C,…

  • Kitchen Garden

    Raised Veggie Beds

    2nd year raised beds This is our second year with raised beds for the vegetable garden and I couldn’t be happier with them. For us, with our unrelenting clay soil.the raised beds are more productive in their second year than…

  • Healing plants,  Kitchen Garden

    Broccoli Medicine

    Growing broccoli Broccoli is one of our garden successes. I sowed seeds of several different types, purple sprouting, green sprouting and the large headed variety – the purple sprouting is the most prolific and easy going by far. It’s been…

  • Kitchen Garden

    Dreamcatcher Tomatoes

    We finally got to put up the trellis for the tomatoes. We’ve wanted to get them closer to the house for a long time, but first we had to build the house and clear the rubble. That’s taken a few…

  • Kitchen Garden

    Salvage Greenhouse

    DIY greenhouse from salvage This was our first greenhouse effort: Several hundred euros, several hundred pieces to put together, eighty-five pages of instructions and fifteen minutes of wind!  Obviously way too suburban for our environment. We salvaged some bits of…