

  • Creatures,  Inspirations

    Stork Love Story

    Our storks returned to the cedar tree on the 29th December, 2024.  It always lifts my heart to see them.  There were three there when I looked, a couple and a single, waiting for his mate.  Some one else arrived…

  • Inspirations

    Believe in Yourself

    “Believe in yourself, take some risks, give it a go.”  Jasmin Paris, ultra-runner. I’m not one for sports, nor beliefs, but I’m a great admirer of the human spirit, athleticism, strength and endurance.  This has come across my radar three…

  • Inspirations

    Wild Folk

    What a joy to listen to the wisdom of this humble and resilient man.  I don’t want to live quite like he does, but I’m immensely grateful that he is alive on this Earth, showing that another way is possible…

  • Inspirations

    Rewilding with Kindness

    I’m not big on watching videos.  I find it difficult, I don’t engage well with a screen and I can usually find something better to do.  Discovery is much more visceral for me. Very, very occasionally there are days, rainy…