Healing with Nature
Nature heals us, as we help Nature heal herself. A journey of discovery into self-healing and embodied health, in relationship with Nature, using local plants and remedies.
Perspective on Dog Hind Leg Problems
Perspective on Dog Hind Leg Problems: Tulku’s Regeneration This is a broad and deep perspective on what is commonly referred to as dog hip pain, hind leg lameness or lumbosacral disease. This is a non-medical perspective. I’m not a vet,…
Reality Checkers
“For the King knows that in order to dominate other cultures, you must capture not only their crops and assets, but also their collective imagination, their shared memories.” There Are Rivers in the Sky, Elif Shafak We are now fully…
Plantain, the Scorpion and the Eagle
Plantain: for stings, bites and stuckness Plantain, both broadleaf and narrow leaf, are wonder plants, plants with superpowers. It dispels the itch and burn from bites and stings almost instantly and more more effectively than anything you can buy. I…
The Invisible Landslide
Navigating concrescence It’s taken a while for this post to form – there have been so many energetic shifts since just before the new moon (10th February 2024) and for a while there was nothing I needed to do. Then…
Correcting Mineral Imbalances with Magic Wand and Neutral Pendulum
Our soils are depleted of minerals, so our food is depleted of minerals and so are we. Mineral imbalances underly many chronic conditions and general feelings of fatigue, inability to focus and slow healing. Whilst the underlying relationships between minerals…
Flower Essences for Mirror Dogs
Dog healers, teachers and mirrors All dogs are healers and teachers, forever loyal and loving, living mirrors to the emotional tides that move through us. Each dog will have his or her own specialty, derived from the genetics and experience…
Walking Water
We are walking, talking, thinking feeling water. Also known as dense water or morphogenic water. Real science is beginning to break free of the dogma that enforces compliance with ever more complex theories, that bear no relationship to our experience…
Garlic: friend or foe?
Yes, garlic one of those kind of friends. Good on the right occasion; generally OK in small doses, but can easily become over-powering and leave you with a bit of a headache. Like anything, too much garlic will have consequences,…
St John’s Wort: Blood from the Sun
This is my St John’s Wort oil from last summer – you can see why I call it blood from the sun. The five yellow petals in a star formation, have the power to turn oil or alcohol blood…
Home Grown Medicine Cabinet
If you make the decision to activate your innate self-healing mechanisms, stay away from the medical system, eat healthily and live as naturally as you can, without doubt your health and vitality will improve. Nonetheless, even if you enjoy excellent…