Organic health

Bioscalar Technique and Lifehood Integration

The bioscalar energy technique was discovered by the late Dr. Valerie Hunt, a pioneering scientist and explorer, who was the first to measure the human bioenergy field in a laboratory. This technique is a free, simple and powerful healing technique that works equally well on animals, humans and plants. I find it especially satisfying to use with animals, as they don’t have as many mental blocks as humans, so the benefits are immediately apparent and this builds confidence in the technique. The increase in Earth energies we’ve had since December 2023 have made this technique much easier, faster and more effective.

The method uses the breath and the natural polarity of the body to generate a scalar or standing wave that ‘informs’ your own energy body and that of anyone to whom you direct it. You direct it with your intention, simply by calling an image of that person to your mind or looking at a photo and taking your awareness to your heart centre before you initiate the energy flow. We generate the wave by standing, sitting or lying with arms outstretched and palms up, as this action causes our energy field to interact with the electromagnetic field of the Earth as we breathe. Dr Hunt measured the energy coming in through the hands and arms into the chest area and over many experiments confirmed that this happens in laboratory conditions and discovered the healing qualities relative to specific frequencies/colours.

I’ve modified the method, by using a neutral pendulum to identify which colour the subject wants in their energy field. You can do this with the subject physically present, with a photo of them or an image from memory. It is best to work on the entire energy body first, before moving onto any specific problem areas. You stretch out your arms and imagine that colour, as if it comes from a rainbow, pooling into your palms as you breathe in. As you breathe out, you know without consciously trying to do anything, that the energy is ‘pooling’ beyond space and time in your heart centre and simultaneously within the heart centre and energy body of the subject.

When you hold out your arms, with the intention to initiate a bioscalar wave, you feel the energy in your hands and the welling up and expansion in the chest area. This the function of our individual energy fields interacting with the energy fields of the Earth. When I feel it in my hands and heart centre, I add the mental intention: and for anyone else who needs it. The action is very fast, because it is happening in wave form as opposed to particle form and outside of space and time. Essentially, once you feel it, a kind of thickness in the air, heat, or tingling, it’s already done. You then confirm that it’s complete with the pendulum, by visualizing the colour while looking at the subject (or an image of them) and the pendulum will remain neutral because they no longer need that frequency.

The confirmation is an important part of the process at this stage, because it brings the technique into the conscious awareness that is accessible by the left hemisphere and the reticular activating system of the brain. This allows your brain to prompt you when this process is needed, without you having to think about it, and to attract similar methods and techniques into your awareness.

I absolutely love Dr Hunt’s book, Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness. It was published in 1996 and she was one of the first scientists to prove the effectiveness of energy healing under laboratory conditions. Her findings and predictions are now becoming reality for all of us, due to the increase in Earth energies, and our own energy bodies, as indicated by the recent Schumann resonances and our own findings over the past year.

One of the key areas Dr Hunt explored is the soul as a measurable energy field and how it interacts with our physical bodies for health and regeneration:

“The new electromagnetic model of illness and health is like this: material tissue ages, gets sick and diseased. It repairs itself, but eventually entropy takes over and causes deterioration and disintegration. This is not true of the human field where, by the introduction of new energy, the field improves, or even becomes more refined. The field is affected before we breathe, eat or ingest substances, making it the first line of disturbance, defense and regeneration. Regeneration comes from re-energizing the field, and hence the tissue.”

An entire chapter of her book deals with what she calls ‘lifehoods’, which she elegantly distinguished from past lives, as the latter is fixed in Earth time and the concepts of past, present and future. When an individual re-experiences a lifehood, it is present and now and not a historical event.

“We correctly use the words ‘past lives’ when describing happenings that are time-locked. Lifehoods describe soul information, which is always now.”

I’m seeing that the combined effect of the increase in Earth energies and the clearing of spells, attachments and several layers of mind-control, is the expansion of our individual energy fields and the release of more ‘soul information.’ This has got nothing to do with karma, which is a belief based doctrine rather than a ‘universal law’, and everything to do with discovering the skills and strengths we need right now. Everyday events and experiences that bring us down are the effect of lifehood experience ‘fluttering’ our field. We don’t need to know the content of the lifehood experience or to re-experience it – restore the energy field and the soul integration enables us to move forward on a new track.

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