Earth Magic

Being Double, Part 2

Guerrilla warfare


Audio transcript:

Guerrilla warfare, involves fast-moving, small-scale actions aiming for the achilles heel of dominant forces – exactly what we are set up for. Our aim is to work with the earth, to help boost Her signal, which is moving through us all the time. By consciously aligning ourselves with how Nature works, we are able to make better choices, be more effective and perhaps avoid major disaster.

In Part 1, I mentioned how we leave our energetic imprint on personal items, such as photos and signatures and that these things remain in resonance with their owners, no matter how far apart they are in space, or time for that matter. The connection via body parts and fluids is even stronger. That’s why death cults like relics. In cultures of the not too distant past, royal families employed servants to hide, or even eat toe nail clippings and hair trimmings, to ensure that they did not fall into the hands of rival families, who might use ‘black magic’ to cause them harm. This magic is resonance, lying behind the old doctrines of signatures and similars and used in radiesthesia, BioGeometry and psychometry today.

The totally hacked so-called science of today uses the twin tactics of denying the existence of things and processes that cannot be seen or measured by its instruments, while at the same time pretending that other things exist, when they don’t. All in the service of the control agenda. Resonance is a principle of Nature that works whether you believe in it or not, in exactly the same way, whether you call it voodoo, distance healing or music. Let’s have some fun with it.

Currently, how many imprints of you do you think there are in the world? Photos, signatures, your birth certificate, memories, blood samples, all that testing that people foolishly went along with? How many of these imprints are ‘behind enemy lines’, as in held by organizations that are working against the best interests of humanity and all life on earth? These imprints are satellites of you, always in your orbit and resonating at your frequency, continuously, concurrently 24/7. This is the guerrilla army of you. The closer your personal alignment with Dragon Mama, the energy body of the earth, the more powerful your resonance.

When you are plugged into the land, in a place you love, you charge the dragon lines where you are, all the way back to where you were born and along the new dynamic earth grid we are now generating. This is also resonating with all your imprints where ever they are. Close your eyes and see this web in your mind’s eye – you are never alone.

When your heart sings, when you feel open, relaxed, content – positive feelings and frequencies – not only is your guerrilla army singing with you, but so is Dragon Mama. Likewise, when you feel down, in pain or rage, grief, all of those imprints of you are resonating at those low frequencies and so is the earth. I have no idea of the cumulative effect of these things, but it works in a similar way to the synchronization of clock pendulums, or soldiers marching on a bridge – if they all step in unison, the bridge will start to sway and could even collapse. What is the effect of high frequency vibrations?

It’s not difficult to see that the scaffolding of the modern world is collapsing. This is the action of natural forces working through people, because when all processes reach their extreme, they switch polarity. The principle of enantiodromia. Even the psycho-parasites are subject to Nature’s rules, which is why they have to hide from Nature and set up a construct to shield themselves from Nature’s influences. None of them look like healthy outdoor types, do they? But Nature plays a long game and depends on us to let her know what is working for us and what is not. She needs us to set the boundaries, to say: No. We do not accept technological violation of our natural frequencies, nor mutilation of our biology. What is being done to children, under the guise of freedom of choice or safety is unspeakable. When you feel anxiety or rage about any of these things, it is your natural instinct responding to danger, because there IS something you can do about it. When there is no immediate physical threat to respond to, you act from your energetic core.

These feelings are the earth calling you to take action and raise your own frequency. This is how energy and information work now, the energy and the feeling comes directly from the earth and into your body, your register it and then you find the information you need to deal with the matter. The action you take in your life, how you live, the choices you make matter. Your actions are far-reaching – you are indirectly effecting all the other people in your frequency bandwidth, whether you know them or not. It is not about ignoring the bad things or pretending they don’t exist, it is just recognizing these things as a call to boost the morale of your guerrilla army and support the earth.

These are the things that help me stay balanced and happy most of the time, even when things go wrong:


Gratitude is a powerful tool in which you use your will to bring your mind into harmony with your body, so that your brain releases dopamine and serotonin. These hormones that make us feel lighter and happier, so that our guerrilla army and the earth resonates at that frequency and our perception of reality changes. We call into our orbit people and experiences that give us more dopamine and serotonin.

Letting go

This is the complement of gratitude. As frequency beings we are always forming energetic attachments to other beings, ideas, places, things and they to us and some of them are not healthy. This includes other versions of ourselves, like the ones we made to survive in the bubble. The cords or filaments can emerge from different organs and can contribute to disease in that organ, if it has a negative, draining effect that goes on for too long.

Sometimes, we have to let go of some one or something we genuinely love, if they can no longer be with us in the way we want.

Grief is a call to let go, so love and life can find a new path.

It’s not a one-off thing, we have a lot to let go of. Autumn is the letting go season, as the leaves fall and Nature let’s go of Her finary. If you don’t let go, you will be dragged down too.

I favour the cutting motions of the devas, with their many arms and weapons. I locate the image in my memory, of what is dragging me down, hold it in my mind’s eye and make slashing motions with my arms until the image dissolves. Letting go makes me feel lighter, with less tension in my body.

The Trauma Release Exercises are great for letting go, as is dancing.

Cold dips or showers work well too. That’s a whole system reset in itself.

We are traveling light.

Love bomb yourself

There is nothing narcissistic about genuine acts of self-love. When you know you are part of Nature, loving yourself is loving Nature. This isn’t self-talk, entertainment or treats. At the energetic level, it mostly involves giving myself the time and space for my true self to reconnect with the earth. I need to sit quietly and just breathe and also to walk in Nature everyday to reconnect and feel immersed in the love of the earth.

This feeds the source current, necessary to take care of myself and to do anything for anyone else.

Love Nature

Make space and time to get outside and breathe, where ever you are. Find something of natural beauty and appreciate it. Give attention and care to a non-human being, an animal or a plant. Stand among the trees. Dance in the rain. These things matter.


The new earth grid has more vortex energy than we are used to. Tornadoes and water spouts are evidence of this, but much smaller, micro-vortices are popping up everywhere. You don’t see them, but you feel them as a kind of restlessness in your body. There is more movement in the air, more wind.

The vortices and the wind are sometimes a push to movement, to get up and do something and at other times a call for stillness, to calm the energy. This is another expression of earth energy and we need to learn how we interact with it.

Direction of the wind and vortices makes it either harmful, or playful and creative. The harmful energy is, at least in part, the earth’s response to a lot of the negative energy that is being out into the grid lines. If you can stay calm and breath when this energy blows through, to absorb and transmute some of the energy, it allows it to move on so that it doesn’t harm you.

If the dogs want to go out in the wind, it is playful. If they want to stay in, it’s wise to follow their lead.

Spontaneous creativity

I love this. It doesn’t have to be anything you make public, or what you might consider ‘artistic’. It can be as simple as rearranging your room, baking a cake – shared activities, if you have a partner.

Do something new, or regular things differently.

Spontaneous creativity is a secret weapon that completely flummoxes the AI.

Mutual orgasm between a man and a woman in love is the real nu-clear bomb, that can clear and reset an area for miles around.

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