A Functional Magic Wand
ADDENDUM January 2024: I no longer need to use the wand, the index finger of my left-hand is now entrained to detect subtle energies with the neutral pendulum. The image at the top of this post is of my ‘magic…
Spider Grandmother’s Cosmic Web
Dawn breaks and Spider Grandmother wakes, She stretches her legs and starts to weave. Was she in deep hibernation? Or was it just a blink of an eye? I noticed her. To re-member her as the Swan-Maiden, the weaving goddess,…
The Naming Power
The Naming Power, sometimes called the Law of Names, is the power of the true name, or the secret name is naming magic. It was said that, if you knew the secret name of a phenomenon, a being or a…
Medusa Protection Symbol
The image of Medusa at the top of this post can be used if you feel threatened, unloved, or overly sensitive to external stimuli. You can print it out, it only needs to be very small and use it, when…
Detecting Subtle Colour Frequencies
ADDENDUM 2024: As of February 2024, the hemisphere model here no longer works. We are still in a state of flux and observing the situation. In my opinion, the ‘mental models’ we held of reality in general have dissolved. This…
Lunar Eclipse and the Salt of Self-worth
This May, for the first time in five or six years, we are not getting freezing rain and hail to destroy all the newly set fruit on the trees. The fruit is abundant and we have had proper Galician rain…
Dreaming Back the Forest
Spider Grandmother Sees Through the Trees In the thousand eyes of Spider Grandmother, the solar eclipse of 19/20 April took place in the Fishes, with Venus projecting through the eye of the Bull. The Sun, the mirror to the purest…
The Love of the Electric Masculine
Spring is all dressed up, waiting for her lover. The fruit trees have more blossom than ever before, maybe we will have some fruit this year. The birds around the house are preparing their nests, but they won’t begin mating…
Syncing in the Rainbow Sea
Reclaiming Our Magic The ‘Rainbow Sea’ is a poetic name for the livable atmosphere of our Earth. (Nothing to do with political agendas, sexualized trauma and tortured genders.) It looks like nothing, yet is intelligent and responsive, replete with energy…
Energy Testing with a Neutral Pendulum
Above is a short demonstration video on energy testing with a neutral pendulum. A neutral pendulum is just a sphere on a string, it has no polarity of its own and carries no charge, so it resonates with things that…