  • Healing with Nature

    Nature Healing

    Nature heals and Nature grows and Nature is in us, but are you in Nature? In 2008 we crossed a threshold; for the first time in our history more than half the world’s population now live in urban environments. As…

  • Cob house

    Outdoor Shower Construction

    We made an outdoor shower because it’s such a lovely thing to do – showering in nature!  We looked at lots of options for outdoor shower construction, but the key issue is location and access to water. We decided to…

  • Cob house

    Tree Bog Construction

    A tree bog is essentially a small shed raised over a hole with trees around.  The trees eat the ‘humanure’, so it is a very ecological solution.  Our tree bog is mounted on a frame and keyed into flat stones. …

  • Cob house

    A Cob Experience

    A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate to have the opportunity to spend a day with one of the only two professional “cob” builders in Spain. We want to build our new house using “cob” and this was a…

  • Land to Mouth

    Medusa’s Garden

    Our kitchen garden is really Medusa’s Garden, the orchard and the areas around and in between.  Why Medusa?  Because that’s a name for the primordial serpent energy of the land and there’s that wildness here.  If the land doesn’t like…

  • Healing with Nature

    Homemade Natural Toothpaste

    I probably wouldn’t have bothered with homemade toothpaste if organic, fluoride-free natural toothpaste was easy to get here, but it isn’t and I just couldn’t bring myself to buy the commercial stuff.  So, I started to look for natural, easy…

  • Healing with Nature

    Natural coconut milk shampoo

    I’ve been working to get as many chemicals out of our lives as possible.  Every other day a report comes out about cancer-causing chemicals in shampoo, toxic ingredients in the laundry detergent or asthma and allergies triggered by common household…

  • Healing with Nature

    Lessons from water

    In the developed world we take water for granted; we don’t appreciate it and we brutalise it, alternately contaminated it and then treating it with harmful chemicals.  We barely stop to think that without it we would not exist, many…