  • Organic health

    Living Water in the New Real

    The Body as a Solar-Powered Water Battery In the new real, water is not just for hydration; it is a solar powered battery, that fuels many cellular functions, drives circulation and supports the heart. Remember the alchemical image of The…

  • Nature Powers

    Lucid Dreaming with Gaia

    I’m a lucid dreamer and have been for most of my life. I used to have terrible nightmares, as a child. Eventually, I learned how to wake myself up out of the nightmare and then I thought: if I could…

  • Nature Powers

    The Warrior Priestess

    The Role of the Warrior Priestess This post spews out of my repugnance at the vile creatures of the totally misguided women’s protest movement, but what could I say that hasn’t already been said? Instead, I’m going to push that…

  • Oneirics,  Organic health

    Never Defeated

    Fake viruses I spent a lot of time last year considering viruses, the herpes virus in particular. This was mostly because of Dean’s basal cell carcinoma and when some one came to visit with psoriasis, I recognised that this was…

  • Earth Magic

    Transmutation and Energy

    This is the first in what will most likely become a series of posts tracking our transmutation in real-time.   Transmutation is selective and optional; you choose to participate and act accordingly, but, even so, not everyone will be successful.  This…

  • Healing plants

    Usnea Barbata, Old Man’s Beard

    Usnea, Old Man’s Beard Lichens are composite life-forms, the product of a symbiotic relationship between algae, funghi and yeast. Many of them look like plants, but they are not plants at all. Lichens can grow in almost any environment, from…

  • Cob house

    Windows and Doors

    The windows and doors were made by a carpenter in a nearby village who specialises in windows.  They are made out of local chestnut and are incredibly beautiful, as well as super-efficient. There are chestnut shutters on some of the…

  • Healing plants

    Pine Pollen Boost

    Pine pollen is nature’s perfect boost for good health and the immune system. Pine pollen is ‘the sperm’ of the pine tree and almost  the same structure as human testosterone. It is the most abundant source of testosterone in the…

  • Organic health

    The Rockefeller Medical Racket

    In addition to creating the ‘fossil fuel scam’ and controlling the chemical and agriculture industries, the Rockefeller medical mafia have subverted the practice of medicine since the beginning of the twentieth century. Modern medicine has very little to do with…

  • Healing plants

    Cleavers (Galium aparine)

    Galium aparine has many common names including cleavers, clivers, goosegrass, catchweed, stickyweed, robin-run-the-hedge, sticky willy, sticky willow, velcro weed and it is an excellent spring tonic.  It grabs your attention and hangs on, quite literally, when you first venture into…