  • Healing with Nature

    Home Grown Medicine Cabinet

    If you make the decision to activate your innate self-healing mechanisms, stay away from the medical system, eat healthily and live as naturally as you can, without doubt your health and vitality will improve. Nonetheless, even if you enjoy excellent…

  • Earth Magic

    Summer Solstice Ritual

    This summer solstice (for us in the northern hemisphere), is an especially powerful time for transformation, as it is followed within hours by an annular eclipse and then the new moon. Here, we will be celebrating Medusa’s Wedding. This is…

  • Land to Mouth

    Dirt Cheap Fertilizer: micro-organisms

    JADAM: people who are like nature The year before last a friend introduced us to JADAM: ultra low-cost organic farming from Korea. JADAM means, ‘people who are like nature’ and refers to nature-like people who choose to follow the wisdom…

  • Healing with Nature

    Yarrow: Chiron’s Arrow

    Yarrow, Achillea millefolium is another one of my favourite helper plants (along with St John’s Wort, Melissa and Plantain). It grows wild here through spring and the long summer and I harvest the flowers and leaves and dry and store…

  • Healing with Nature

    Broccoli Medicine

    Growing broccoli Broccoli is one of our garden successes. I sowed seeds of several different types, purple sprouting, green sprouting and the large headed variety – the purple sprouting is the most prolific and easy going by far. It’s been…

  • Cob house

    Waste Water Reed Bed

    Convenience or freedom? As off-gridders we have to deal with our own shit, quite literally, as well as waste and grey water. There are many systems out there, but every system I researched seemed overly complicated, labour intensive and expensive.…

  • Earth Magic,  Nature Powers

    The Bearings

    Bearing: 1. the manner in which one conducts or carries oneself, including posture and gestures: a person of dignified bearing. 2. the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth. 3. something that is produced; a crop. 4. the act of enduring or the capacity to endure. 5. reference or relation (usu. fol. by on): It has no bearing on the problem. 6.a. a supporting part of a structure. b. the area of contact between a bearing member, as a beam, and a pier, wall, or other underlying support. 7. the support and guide for a rotating, oscillating, or sliding shaft, pivot, or wheel. 8. Often, bearings. direction: The pilot radioed the plane’s bearings. 9. a horizontal direction expressed in degrees east or west of a true or magnetic north or south direction. 10. a device on a heraldic field. Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. Alchemy and…