Shaping Reality
The Dreaming Power We all shape reality all the time, but mostly in a limited way and without awareness of what we are doing, mostly because we think too much. We shape reality most effectively when we are in the…
St John’s Wort: Blood from the Sun
This is my St John’s Wort oil from last summer – you can see why I call it blood from the sun. The five yellow petals in a star formation, have the power to turn oil or alcohol blood…
Iron Will: Biomagnetic Entrainment
Biomagnetic Entrainment to the Electromagnetic Field of the Earth All creatures that move around are physiologically designed to entrain to the electromagnetic field of the earth. The biological element that makes this possible is biogenic magnetite. Magnetite is a mineral…
Finding Mr Luigi
Mr Luigi has a very long arm. He can reach into your mind and make a bowl of spaghetti, without you knowing he was there, even though he’s not Italian. I first got wind of him in what I would…
Medusa and Dionysus had a Bonfire
Tumultuous energies have rolled through here, since the beginning of November. First, came the crows. They don’t live here, but they were pulled in by the Earth energies, as in May of this year when Medusa emerged from her exile.…
Winter Solstice 2020: Rebirth of the Green Man
The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter 2020 Saturn and Jupiter Great Conjunctions occur every 20 years, once in a generation. This year it occurs exactly on the Winter Solstice, 21st December 2020, which gives it an extra boost from…
By the Light of the Harvest Moon
October Harvest Moon and Blue Moon The harvest moon is traditionally the first full moon after the autumn equinox, when farmers are said to be able to finish the harvest by the light of the moon. I think of it…
Third Eye Poker
Is destiny a gift, or a curse? That depends on how well and with whom you play. Now, more than ever, the quality of your life depends on the skills and mental fortitude you develop in order to make the…
The Little Bear Clan
The Little Bears are one of the root clans, as old as the nagas and the bird people, the crocodile clans, the tree and the fish people, to name just a few. We came out of hibernation on the Summer…
Medusa’s Wedding Part Two: WOLF-FLOW
This is the follow up to Medusa`s Wedding Part One. What happened after Medusa’s wedding.