Activating the TreeG Network
The Signal Tree
The TreeG network (G for Gaia) is one of Nature’s open-access global communication systems. It operates via the pine trees. Your signal tree is a pine tree. Pine trees can be found all over the world, but they are native to the northern temperate regions and their function is encoded in our ancestral memory and depicted in ancient art.
To access the network, you need to find and activate your own ‘signal tree’.
Once you form the intention to find your Signal Tree, you activate your ‘homing beacon’, your pineal gland, which is already in resonance with all the pine cones in the world, due to its shape. Your signal tree is already reaching out to you, patiently waiting for you to find and activate it. Then, one day, perhaps on a familiar route, or maybe off-track, your attention is drawn to a particular pine tree, standing taller and a little apart from the others.
As you approach this tree, you stop a distance away from it and look up at its majesty. Just wait. Breathe. Allow your awareness to expand. See the tree and you are beyond linear time. You feel like you are greeting an old friend, from when the Earth was still young and all of existence danced and fizzed. You might hear the rush in your head. A great liquid welling-up merges you and the tree. This is the interaction between the vortex of your heart and the vortex of the tree, its spirit energy that emerges from its roots and opens at the crown. This feeling is other-worldly, but only because we are not used to such intense embodiment and connection with other beings.
When you get close to the tree, close your eyes and place your forehead onto its rough skin. Your third eye will begin spinning, as you are drawn deeper into the vortex forest. If you are sufficiently grounded, you will be able to hold an intention: what do you want? What are you calling to you? If not, it doesn’t matter, you have activated the Signal Tree energetically and it has already ‘read’ your entire energy library and shared it with all the other pine trees in the world. Whatever you need will come to you, and fast.
Pine cones
Pine cones symbolize regeneration, fertility, enlightenment, maturity and celebration, because pine cones and pine trees bring these qualities to us. Pine trees and pine needles rebuild soil quickly and do not acidify soil as is said, rather they grow happily in soil that is already acidic. They are a pioneer species, able to grow fast and strong in poor soils and harsh conditions. Pine pollen is the most abundant source of testosterone in the plant kingdom and almost the same structure as human testosterone. It has many health benefits as a superfood and an adaptogen. The pollen release in the hills starts with one tree and the others follow rapidly in a spectacular display of green smoke. The pollen is carried by the wind and covers everything in a fine yellow powder, that signals the beginning of mating season. Maturity is recognized in the pine, who does not grow cones until fully mature and we celebrate the dark days with decorated pine cones at yule, as well as using them to light our winter fires.
However, regeneration is multi-leveled and not limited to procreation in the physical world. Pine cones and the pineal gland are already in resonance, but their activation is intentional rather than automatic. The act of connecting with a Signal Tree causes your pineal gland, bathed in cerebrospinal fluid that is 99% coherent water carrying your unique electrochemical signature, to establish the resonance with all pine cones everywhere. This is the TreeG network that allows you to interact with the Nature Powers. This is the message of the pine cone symbolism found in the artworks of ancient cultures all over the world; it is that simple and obvious. If you are motivated, if any part of your being is in resonance with this idea, you will get out there, find your Signal Tree and prove it to yourself.
The homing beacon
I noticed our Signal Tree not long after we moved here. In those days, I needed the help of plant allies to ‘see’ and it was at our very first retreat here, that I felt drawn to it. I cleared the area around and named it, but didn’t know what else to do at the time. It felt like a beacon. A little later, just before our second retreat, three storks landed in the tree. Storks do not nest in pine trees, as they aren’t strong enough to support their immense nests, so this caught my attention once more. Storks are another symbol of regeneration.
Initially, I could not feel the vortex energy and didn’t know what the tree did. One day, a retreat guest wandered off and we had no way of finding him. It is easy to get lost around here and, with no phone contact and not knowing what else to do, I went to the Signal Tree. Back then, I used to have to hit it with a big stick to wake it up. I don’t know whether one or both of us was still half-asleep, but it ramped up the energy enough for me to tune in. I put my head against the bark, felt myself drawn into the vortex and called the lost guest to mind. This was only for a minute or two and I stepped back and waited, not knowing what to expect. Within five minutes, he returned, shouting across the field.
Over the years, I called on the Signal Tree sporadically, mostly as a homing beacon for lost dogs. On one notable occasion several years ago, Dean was in Minnesota and we hadn’t had any contact for four or five days. His phone was dead and, although I didn’t feel concerned, I really wanted some contact. So, I went to the Signal Tree and didn’t need the stick. Half an hour after getting back to the house a hawk landed on the railing, a meter or so from where I was sitting, looked straight at me and communicated telepathically: he is fine. He is having technology problems. I knew this was real, because I felt immediate relief. An hour or so later, Dean emailed from a friend’s computer to confirm that he was fine, but his phone wasn’t working.
We didn’t go to the Signal Tree during the lockdown years. Then a couple of weeks ago, after a heart-opening connection with two wise women, I went out onto the terrace and saw the Signal Tree lit up by a rainbow. It wasn’t raining. I knew then that it was working on new settings and I waited for the opportunity to test it.
That wasn’t long in coming. The upgrade to our solar system batteries was in a stall again. I knew there was no point chasing through conventional means, as we are operating on new settings now too. The next morning as we approached the Signal Tree, I suggested to Dean that he use it to call in the solar technician. He was a bit reluctant as ‘that stuff’ is all my department, but the solar system is his department, so he needed to take the initiative. Within 15 minutes, we had a message that the technician was on his way.
A few days ago, there was an X-class flare and one of our kittens went missing. Maia is very quiet and gentle, she is probably about eight months old, we don’t know for sure. The cats have run of the house and freedom to come and go as they please, but we had never seen her go more than 5M from the house. We looked everywhere, darkness fell and still no sign of her. I checked in and knew she was safe, but lost and confused. I really didn’t want to go out to the Signal Tree at night, so I thought: well, let’s see what you’ve got and called the image of the Signal Tree to mind with the joyous feeling of Maia home and safe. Then I went to bed. Dean got up in the night and reported that Maia was home and sleeping, so I don’t know when she returned, but I am confident that the Signal Tree called her home.
The tree beings have never stopped working with us, despite what we have done to them. We have been blind to them. They are opening up to us now, revealing their spirit selves and showing us how to ‘see’ through them. A Little Bear has recently discovered their remote viewing function.
Yesterday, the 15th February, Venus and Neptune joined in the depths between the Water Bearer and the Fishes. I felt tension in my body and had to wait until today before writing this post. The Venus and Neptune conjunction happens every year between late winter and late spring and is the Earth showing that she is ready for growth and regeneration, to merge her salty life forces with a passionately held idea and create. This is the story of Medusa, who was banished for surrendering to Neptune/Poseidon, as her own creative powers were used to create Athena to maintain order and control her fertility. We have healed the Medusa-Athena wound, inflicted on us and the Earth by the patriarchal stories of the ancient Greeks. They tricked some of the Nature Powers out of Egypt and used them to support their Empire. Now, the Earth asks: what do you want? Our ideas and desires, what we imagine, are absolutely essential for the regeneration of ourselves, our communities and Nature.
The Nature Power of Desire, personified in the goddesses Inanna, Ishtar, Hathor and others, does not lead to wanton materialism. It was the subversion of desire, entrained into servicing the economy and the empire, that drove insatiable consumerism. Humans are naturally pleasure-seeking and seeking the pleasures of Freedom, Truth, Wisdom, Beauty and Happiness is what drives us to break out of the iron cage of rationality (see the work of Max Weber).
You are free to desire to your heart’s content. Find your Signal Tree, call in what you want. Dragon Mama, with her many eyes, will see the best solution available for all concerned and cause it to move into place – if she doesn’t like it, nothing will happen. There is no downside. Align with Nature and try again.
Venus meets with Jupiter on March 1st in the Fishes. This is when the Earth begins to breathe life into our dreams.

Imagination Is Not What You Think
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